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To fully benet from the support that Philips offers, register
your product at www.philips.com/welcome.
General description (Fig. 1)
A Spray nozzle
B Cap of lling opening
C Spray button 8
D Steam control
- b= Calc-Clean function
- 0 = no steam
- l = minimum steam
- ; = maximum steam
E Steam boost button \
F Auto-off light (GC2960 only)
G Mains cord
H Temperature light
I Anti-Calc tablet (GC2960/GC2930/GC2920 only)
Note: Anti-Calc tablet not visible from the outside.
J Type plate
K Water tank
L Temperature dial
M Soleplate
Read this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it for
future reference.
- Never immerse the iron in water.
- Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local
mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
- Do not use the appliance if the plug, the mains cord or the appliance
itself shows visible damage, or if the appliance has been dropped
or leaks.
- If the mains cord is damaged, you must have it replaced by Philips, a
service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualied persons in
order to avoid a hazard.
Never leave the appliance unattended when it is connected to the mains.
- This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children)
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible
for their safety.
- Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with
the appliance.
- Do not let the mains cord come into contact with the hot soleplate
of the iron.
- Only connect the appliance to an earthed wall socket.
- Check the mains cord regularly for possible damage.
- The soleplate of the iron can become extremely hot and may cause
burns if touched.
- When you have nished ironing, when you clean the appliance, when
you ll or empty the water tank and also when you leave the iron even
for a short while: set the steam control to position O, put the iron on its
heel and remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
- Always place and use the iron on a stable, level and horizontal surface.
- Do not put perfume, vinegar, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids or
other chemicals in the water tank.
- This appliance is intended for household use only.
Electromagnetic elds (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic
elds (EMF). If handled properly and according to the instructions in this
user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on scientic evidence
available today.
Before first use
1 Remove any sticker or protective foil from the soleplate.
2 Let the iron heat up to maximum temperature and pass the iron over
a piece of damp cloth for several minutes to remove any residues
from the soleplate.
Preparing for use
Filling the water tank
Do not put perfume, vinegar, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids,
chemically descaled water or other chemicals in the water tank.
1 Switch off the appliance and unplug it.
2 Set the steam control to position 0 (= no steam) (Fig. 2).
3 Openthecapofthellingopening.
4 Tilttheironandllthewatertankuptomaximumlevelunderthe
tap (Fig. 3).
Note: Do not ll the water tank beyond the MAX indication.
Note: If the tap water in your area is very hard, we advise you to use distilled
water. Do not use chemically descaled water.
5 Closethecapofthellingopening(‘click’).
Selecting the temperature and the steam settings
Fabric type Temperature
Steam setting Steam boost
Linen MAX ; Ye s
Cotton 3
Ye s
Wool 2
Silk 1 0 N.A.
Synthetic fabrics
(e.g. Acrylic, nylon,
polyamide, polyester).
1 0 N.A.
- Check the laundry care label for the required ironing temperature:
If you do not know what kind or kinds of fabric an article is made of,
determine the right ironing temperature by ironing a part that will not be
visible when you wear or use the article.
Silk, woollen and synthetic materials: iron the reverse side of the fabric to
prevent shiny patches. Avoid using the spray function to prevent stains.
1 To set the appropriate ironing temperature, turn the temperature
2 Settheappropriatesteamsetting(see‘Temperatureandsteam
Note: Make sure that the steam setting you select is suitable for the set ironing
3 Put the iron on its heel.
4 Put the mains plug in an earthed wall socket.
, The temperature light goes on.
5 When the temperature light goes out, wait a while before you start
, During ironing, the temperature light goes on from time to time.
This indicates that the iron is heating up to the set temperature.
Using the appliance
Note: The iron may give off some smoke when you use it for the rst time.
This stops after a short while.
Steam ironing
1 Make sure that there is enough water in the water tank.
2 Settherecommendedironingtemperature(seechapter‘Preparing
3 Set the appropriate steam setting. Make sure that the steam setting
is suitable for the ironing temperature selected:
- l for minimum steam (temperature settings 2 and 3).
- ; for maximum steam (temperature settings 3 to MAX).
Note: The iron starts to produce steam as soon as it has reached the
set temperature.
Steam ironing with extra steam
(GC2960/GC2930/GC2920 only)
1 For extra steam during ironing, press and hold the steam boost
button. (Fig. 5)
Ironing without steam
1 Set the steam control to position 0 (= no steam) (Fig. 2).
2 Settherecommendedironingtemperature(seechapter‘Preparing
Spray function
You can use the spray function at any temperature to moisten the article to
be ironed. This helps remove stubborn creases.
1 Make sure that there is enough water in the water tank.
2 Press the spray button several times to moisten the article to be
ironed (Fig. 6).
Steam boost function
A powerful boost of steam helps to remove very stubborn creases. The steam
boost function only works at temperature settings between 3 and MAX.
1 Press and release the steam boost button (Fig. 5).
Vertical shot of steam (GC2960/GC2930/GC2920 only)
You can also use the steam boost function when you hold the iron in vertical
position. This is useful for removing creases from hanging clothes, curtains etc.
1 Hold the iron in vertical position and press and release the steam
boost button (Fig. 7).
Never direct the steam at people.
Drip stop
This iron is equipped with a drip-stop function: the iron automatically stops
producing steam when the temperature is too low to prevent water from
dripping out of the soleplate. When this happens you hear a click sound.
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