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1. Safety information
Read the operating instructions before using the
appliance for the first time. The appliance may
only be used as described. Any other use is not
Keep the instructions in a safe place and give
them to third parties if necessary.
Check that the appliance has been delivered in
perfect condition. If it has suffered any damage,
do not connect the appliance to the power supply.
Check the appliance, particularly the mains lead,
for signs of damage every time before use. If you
find signs of damage, contact your customer
Place the mains cable so that there is no danger
of tripping over the cable.
Do not guide the mains cable over hot parts of the
appliance during operation.
Never use the mains cable to pull the power plug
out of the socket-outlet! Never use the mains
cable to carry the appliance or try to move the
appliance by pulling the mains cable.
Never jam the mains cable between objects, or
pull the cable over sharp edges, or place the cable
over hot plates or open flames.
Not suitable for commercial purposes.
Use the appliance in enclosed, dry areas only.
Never open the appliance or touch live parts –
danger of fatal accident!
Never immerse the appliance in water – danger
of fatal accident!
Do not place the appliance near wet rooms or wet
areas (bathroom, shower room, swimming pool,
etc.). It must not be possible for the control
elements to be touched by a person in a shower,
a vessel filled with liquid or the bathtub.
Never use the appliance with wet hands.
The radiator may only be used in an upright
position and with mounted guide rollers.
Do not cover the appliance and place no objects or
clothing on or between the heating ribs. Under no
circumstances are you to restrict the air circulation
around the heating ribs through curtains, furniture
or similar objects - fire hazard!
Connect the device to an earthed socket outlet
If the radiator is damaged due to toppling or
otherwise or if the power cable is damaged,
contact an authorized professional or the customer
service responsible for your country.
Position the appliance in such a way that the
mains plug is accessible at all times.
If the appliance is not used for a lengthy period of
time, disconnect it from the mains supply.
Do not position the appliance directly below a
For supervised operation only.
If the radiator topples, disconnect the mains plug
from the supply, wait until it has cooled and then
place it upright again.
Caution! The heating ribs become hot during
Never position the appliance on deep pile carpets.
Do not use the appliance in rooms in which
inflammable materials (for example solvents, etc.)
or gases are used or stored.
Keep highly inflammable substances and gases
away from the appliance.
Do not use in areas where there is a fire risk (for
example wooden sheds).
Only use the radiator with its mains lead fully
Maintain a minimum distance of 50 cm from
objects, walls, etc.
Not suitable for installation on permanently
installed electrical cables.
Do not insert any foreign objects in the appliance’s
- Danger of electric shock and damage to the
Keep children and people on medication or under
the influence of alcohol away from the appliance.
Maintenance and repair work may only be carried
out by authorized trained personnel.
Important! Do not cover the appliance – fire risk!
Pay attention to the symbol on the appliance.
Do not use in bathroom or areas likely to be wet or
This heater is filled with a precise quantity of
special oil. Repairs requiring opening of the oil
container are only to be made by the manufacturer
or his service agent who should be contacted if
there is an oil leak.
2. Layout (Fig. 1)
1 Heating ribs
2 Control lamp
3 Indicator panel
4 LCD display
5 Temperature sensor
6 Recessed grip
7 Storage compartment for mains lead
8 Castors
Anleitung DOR 920 LCD SPK7 05.09.2006 13:11 Uhr Seite 3

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