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Yarvik smartphone manual
file:///Users/elroy/Desktop/Yarvik/Manual/manual_en.html[13-02-13 17:02:46]
Turning off your Smartphone device with the power button does not disconnect the device completely from
mains voltage. To disconnect it completely, unplug the AC adapter or the power cord from mains. The
socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
Audio and picture distortion may occur if this equipment is positioned in close proximity to any equipment
emitting electromagnetic radiation.
This apparatus is also designed for IT power system with phase to phase voltage 230V, for customers in
Observe the following precautions to provide adequate air circulation and to ensure normal reliable
- Do not use the Smartphone device and/or the AC adapter while covered or wrapped in cloth. Ensure the
AC adapter operates in a clear environment.
- Turn off the Smartphone device before putting the device into a bag or a carrying case.
Do not use your Smartphone device directly on your lap. The temperature of the base of the unit will rise
during normal operation and over time could result in discomfort or burns.
Do not use your Smartphone device while walking. Listening to music with headphones or watching the
LCD screen while walking may lead to an unexpected accident and result in personal injuries.
Using connected headphones on the Smartphone device for too long and/or setting the audio volume up
too high when using headphones may cause serious hearing damage.
Avoid strong beating of or to the product.
Don’t operate the touch screen of the Smartphone device with sharp objects, as this may result in
scratching the screen surface.
Only use permitted batteries, chargers and accessories with your Smartphone device. The use of any other
products with the device can be dangerous and may violate the warranty regulations.
Only use a slightly wet cotton cloth to clean the device, and only use water to wetten the cotton cloth. The
Smartphone device should not be cleaned with any sort of (glass) cleaning aid.
Wireless functionality
If radio interference with other devices occurs while using your Smartphone device, do not use the wireless
functionality. Use of the wireless functionality may cause a malfunction of the devices, resulting in an
In some situations or environments, the use of the wireless functionality might be restricted by the
proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization, for example on board airplanes,
in hospitals or in any other environment where the risk of interference with other devices or services is
perceived or identified as harmful. If you are uncertain about the policy applying to the use of wireless
functionality in a specific organization or environment, you are encouraged to first ask for authorization prior
to switching it on. Consult your physician or the manufacturer of personal medical devices (pacemakers,
hearing aids, etc.) regarding any restrictions on the use of wireless functionality.
If using wireless functionality near a pacemaker, make sure it is at least 19 inches / 50 cm away from the

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