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General information
Read this before operating your unit.
To assure the finest performance, please read this manual
carefully. Keep it in a safe place for future reference.
The recommended operating temperature range for the
Recorder is from 15˚C-35˚C (Celsius). Exceeding these
ranges may cause unstable recording results. Do not expose
this unit to sudden temperature changes from cold to hot,
nor locate this unit in an environment with high humidity
(i.e., a room with a humidifier) to prevent condensation
inside this unit, which may cause an electrical shock, fire,
damage to this unit, and/or personal injury.
Locate this unit away from other electrical appliances,
motors, or transformers to avoid humming sounds.
Install this unit in a well ventilated, cool, dry, clean place —
away from direct sunlight, heat sources, vibration, dust, mois-
ture, or cold. In a cabinet, allow about 2.5cm (1 inch) of free
space all around this unit for adequate ventilation.
Avoid installing this unit in a location where foreign objects
may fall onto this unit or where this unit may be exposed to
liquid dripping or splashing. On the top of this unit, do not
Other components, as they may cause damage and/or
discoloration on the surface of this unit.
Burning objects (i.e., candles), as they may cause fire, damage
to this unit, and/or personal injury.
Containers with liquid in them, as they may fall, spilling the
liquid and causing an electrical shock to the user and/or
damage to this unit.
Do not cover this unit with a newspaper, tablecloth, curtain,
etc. in order not to obstruct heat radiation. If the tempera-
ture inside this unit rises, it may cause fire, damage to this
unit, and/or personal injury.
Do not plug in this unit to a wall outlet until all connections
are complete.
Do not operate this unit upside-down. It may overheat, pos-
sibly causing damage.
Do not use excessive force on switches, knobs and/or cords.
When disconnecting the power cord from the wall outlet,
grasp the plug; do not pull the cord.
Do not clean this unit with chemical solvents; this might dam-
age the finish. Use a clean, dry cloth.
Use only the voltage specified on this unit. Using this unit
with a higher voltage than specified is dangerous and may
cause fire, damage to this unit, and/or personal injury.
YAMAHA will not be held responsible for any damage result-
ing from use of this unit with a voltage other than as speci-
To prevent damage by lightning, disconnect the power cord
from the wall outlet during an electrical storm.
Do not attempt to modify or fix this unit. Contact qualified
YAMAHA service personnel when any service is needed. The
cabinet should never be opened for any reason.
When not planning to use this unit for long periods of time
(i.e., vacation), disconnect the AC power plug from the wall
Be sure to read the “Before you call an engineer” section on
common operating errors before concluding that this unit is
Before moving this unit, press STANBY/ON to set the unit in
standby mode, then disconnect the AC power plug from the
wall outlet.
The unit is not disconnected from the AC power source as
long as it is connected to the wall outlet, even if this unit itself
is turned off.This state is called the standby mode.In this state,
this unit is designed to consume a very small quantity of power.
DRX-2_G.book Page ii Tuesday, October 14, 2003 5:02 PM

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