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The Yaesu FT-2800M is a deluxe, rugged FM mobile transceiver providing high power
output and outstanding receiver performance for the 144 MHz Amateur band. Included in
the FT-2800M’s feature complement are:
r 65 Watts of power output, with selection of four power levels for every operating situa-
r Expanded receiver coverage: 137-174 MHz.
r Keyboard entry of operating frequencies from the microphone.
r Excellent protection from receiver intermodulation distortion, thanks to Yaesu’s renowned
Advanced Track Tuning front end.
r 221 memories which can store repeater shifts, odd repeater shifts, CTCSS/DCS tones,
and 6-character Alpha-Numeric labels for easy channel recognition.
r 10 NOAA Weather Broadcast Channels, with Weather Alert.
r Built-in CTCSS and DCS Encoder/Decoder circuits.
r The Smart Search
feature, which automatically sweeps a band and loads active fre-
quencies into dedicated memory banks, is ideal for identifying active repeaters when
visiting a city for the first time.
r Extensive Menu system, which allows customization of a number of transceiver perfor-
mance characteristics.
r The Yaesu-exclusive multi-function LCD display.
Additional features include a transmit Time-Out-Timer (TOT), Automatic Power-Off (APO),
Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS), plus provision for reduction of the Tx deviation in areas of
high channel congestion. And an RF Squelch circuit allows the owner to set the squelch to
open at a programmable setting of the S-Meter, thus reducing guesswork in setting the squelch
Congratulations on your purchase of the FT-2800M! Whether this is your first rig, or if
Yaesu equipment is already the backbone of your station, the Vertex Standard organization
is committed to ensuring your enjoyment of this high-performance transceiver, which should
provide you with many years of satisfying operation. Our dealer network and technical sup-
port personnel stand behind every product we sell, and we invite you to contact us should
you require technical advice or assistance.
We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety prior to installing the FT-2800M, so
that you fully understand the capabilities of your new transceiver.

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