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DR-2X / DR-2XE Operating Manual 1
Features of this repeater
Congratulations on your purchase of the DR-2X/DR-2XE Yaesu 144/430MHz Dual Band Dual Receive C4FM/
FM Digital Repeater.
The YAESU DR-2X/DR-2XE is a C4FM digital / analog FM dual mode and dual receive repeater that covers
the VHF and UHF amateur radio bands. DR-2X/DR-2XE incorporates the use of Analog FM communication
integrated with the C4FM digital communication through its unique AMS capability.
r The Dual-band repeater is equipped with the VHF and the UHF Amateur radio bands.
r The AMS feature is able to relay both the C4FM and the Analog FM signals.
r The C4FM digital modes may be transferred the GPS information.
r The uplink and downlink frequencies for emergency operation may be set separately from the normally
used frequency.
r Within the DG-ID feature, only the group members may communicate via the repeater.
r The DG-ID feature may be used to connect to a remote repeater via the Internet.
r Within the DG-ID feature, the system manager may control some repeater settings remotely.
r The system manager may control the priority to communicate by using the Digital Personal ID (DP-ID)
feature for emergencies.
r Within the Digital Personal ID (DP-ID) feature, the system manager may record a message and the members
may access the message.
r Installing the optional LAN Unit LAN-01A permits building an IMRS (Internet-linked Multi-site Repeater
System) and easily managing a network of multiple connected repeaters.
About the touch panel
Precautions in using the touch panel
The touch panel of the controller is designed to work with the slightest touch of a finger.
The touch panel may not work when a protective film or sheet is affixed to the LCD.
Use of a pointed fingernail or pen to operate the touch panel, or pressing too hard may damage or scratch
the screen.
Smart phone operations such as flicking, pinch in and pinch out are not supported.
Safety Precautions (make sure to read these)
Make sure to read this manual in order to use this radio safely and correctly.
Note beforehand that the company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the customer or third parties in using this product, or for any failures and
faults that occur during the use or misuse of this product, unless otherwise provided for under the law.
Type and meaning of the marks
This mark indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
This mark indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
This mark indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or only
property damage.
Type and meaning of symbols
Prohibited actions that must not be carried out in order to use this radio safely.
For example,
signifies that disassembly is prohibited.
Precautions that must be adhered to in order to use this radio safely. For example,
signifies that the power supply is to be disconnected.

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