Pagina terug
Pagina verder
About this manual ................................................. 2
Introduction ............................................................ 1
Features of this repeater ..................................... 1
About the touch panel ......................................... 1
Safety Precautions (make sure to read these).... 1
Setting up the Repeater ........................................ 3
Safety measures for installation .......................... 3
Installing the repeater .......................................... 3
About electrical grounding ................................... 3
Connecting Antenna Cables ................................ 4
Select downlink antenna ..................................... 4
Connecting the Power Supply ............................. 5
Connecting External Devices .............................. 6
Accessories and Options ..................................... 7
Supplied Accessories .......................................... 7
Optional Accessories ........................................... 7
Name and Function of Each Component ............ 7
Front Panel .......................................................... 7
Rear Panel .......................................................... 8
1. Initial set up........................................................ 9
Turn the power on ............................................... 9
Set up the ID (call sign) ....................................... 9
2. Set up Operation Mode ................................... 10
3. Set up Frequency ............................................ 11
Set up Dual Receive Frequency ........................ 11
Select downlink antenna ................................... 12
4. Set up Priority Channel ................................... 13
Priority Channel ................................................. 13
5. Set up Other Functions ................................... 14
Adjusting the squelch level ................................ 14
Adjusting the transmit power ............................. 14
Adjusting the volume ......................................... 14
Turning the display ON and OFF ....................... 14
6. Base mode operation ...................................... 15
7. Set up DG-ID Number ...................................... 16
Digital Group Identication (DG-ID) /
Default ID / ........................................................ 16
DG-ID TOT (Time Out Timer) .......................... 16
Setting the DG-ID Number ................................ 17
Default ID Setting .............................................. 18
Register (setting) DG-ID group .......................... 18
DG-ID TOT Setting ............................................ 20
8. Set up DP-ID ..................................................... 21
Digital Personal Identication (DP-ID)
........... 21
9. Basic Set up and Operations.......................... 23
Stand Alone Operation ...................................... 23
10. Advanced Set up and Operations ................ 24
IMRS (Internet-linked Multi-site Repeater System)
.. 24
11. Remote Controls ............................................ 26
Setting the remote control ............................... 26
C4FM DIGITAL CONTROL .............................. 27
DTMF (for analog FM mode) ........................... 27
Change the remote command ......................... 28
12. Actual remote control procedure ................. 29
Remote Control for C4FM Digital .................... 29
Remote Control for Analog FM ........................ 29
13. Voice messages ............................................. 30
Voice Message for C4FM Digital Mode ........... 30
Voice Message for Analog FM ......................... 30
14. Setting the interval and number of
voice messages ............................................. 31
15. Operate message function at the
DR-2X/DR-2XE site ........................................ 32
16. Set Up Various Functions ............................. 34
Setting the half deviation operation ................. 35
Setting the tone signals for analog FM mode .. 35
Set the tone signal type for analog FM mode .. 36
Set the ID announcement for analog FM mode
.. 36
Setting the SQL HYSTERESIS ....................... 37
Setting the SQL TAIL LENGTH ....................... 37
Setting the display turn-off time ....................... 38
Password ......................................................... 38
17. Restoring Default Settings (Factory Reset) 39
18. Connect to the HRI-200 node station ........... 40
Remote Operation with External Controller
.. 42
20. Installation of the Optional Accessories ..... 47
Installing the optional Voice Guide Unit FVS-2
.. 47
21. Specications ................................................ 48
22. After-market Services ................................... 49
About this manual
This manual contains symbols and conventions to call attention to important information.
Symbols Description
This icon indicates cautions and alerts the user should be aware of.
This icon indicates helpful notes, tips and information.
This icon indicates other pages containing relevant information.
This icon refers users to the Operating Manual of the IMRS function on the YAESU Website containing
relevant information.
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Company and product names described in this manual are trademarks and registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
Unauthorized reproduction or copying of a part or all of the copyrights owned by Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. in any
form whatsoever is strictly prohibited.

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