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10 Warranty & Recycling Information
In case the products delivered are not free from defects in material or workmanship,
MAS Elektronik AG has the right to either repair or replace the defective product at its
choice. MAS Elektronik AG manufactures and repairs goods using components which are
new or equivalent to new in accordance with industry standards and practice. The
warranty for wearing parts (e.g. rechargeable batteries) is limited to 6 months. In case
the device is equipped with internal data storage (e.g. hard disc drive, Flash drive), the
customer is responsible to backup his data before sending the device. MAS Elektronik
AG is not liable for any data loss on returned devices. MAS Elektronik AG reserves the
right to reset returned devices to factory defaults. Please note your personal settings for
this reason.
MAS Elektronik AG is not liable for any accessories not belonging to original package
content such as DVDs, hard disc drives, Flash storage devices, batteries, etc. This limited
warranty covers the warranty requirements set by authorities in your country. This
limited warranty does not cover finishes, accessories or batteries, nor does it cover
damage resulting from accident, misuse, abuse, dirt, water, battery leakage, tampering,
servicing performed or attempted by unauthorized service agencies. This limited war-
ranty does not cover damages resulting from firmware upgrades. Only in case of firmwa-
re upgrades needed to add functions promised at time of purchase, such damages are
covered by this limited warranty.
For a correct and frictionless completion of warranty or repairs you need a RMA No. You
may obtain a RMA on the internet at www.xoro.de/service or by telephone.
Please send the device in its original packing material, all standard accessories and a
copy of the invoice, a description of defect and the RMA No. to following address. Please
note the RMA number clear and in large numbers on the outer package.
Contact with Customer Service:
Phone: +49 4161 800 24 24 (Mon-Fri: from 11:00 to 17:00)
eMail: support@ersservice.de
ERS GmbH Elektronik Repair Service
Weidegrund 3
21614 Buxtehude / Niedersachsen
If you have questions or problems using your device, we are happy to help you.
Recycling of electronic devices
This product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components
which can be recycled and reused. This symbol means that electrical and electronic
equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from your household
waste. Please, dispose of this equipment at your local community waste collection/
recycling centre. In the European Union there are separate collection systems for used
electrical and electronic product. Please, help us to conserve the environment we live
Recycling of paper and carton
The material recycling symbol on the carton and user manual denotes that they are
recyclable. Dispose them not with the normal household waste.
Recycling of plastic parts
The material recycling symbol on the plastic parts denotes that they are recyclable. Do
not dispose them in household waste.
Green Dot
The “Grüne Punkt” denotes that the MAS Elektronik AG pays a duty to the “Society for
Waste Prevention and Secondary Resource Generation”.
Every consumer is legally obliged to return batteries to a collection point in his commu-
nity or in commerce so that they can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner. Please do not dispose of batteries with household waste.
EU– Declaration of Conformity
With the CE mark declares XORO, a registered trademark of the MAS Elektronik AG that
the device meets the guidelines 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU Declaration of
Conformity is available under the following Internet address: http://www.xoro.de/

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