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Volume buttons
On/Off button
USB Type-C port
Main Display
Thank you for choosing Mi4c
To activate the smartphone, press the power
button, which is located on the right side, and
hold it for a few seconds. Then follow the setup
instructions of your smartphone.
More information
To get more information visit www.mi.com/mi4c
Mi4c is equipped with an operating system, a
collection of a variety of useful applications and
features. It was created with the millions of fans.
For information visit www.miui.com/features.php
VIP users
Visit uvip.xiaomi.cn for your authorization as a
VIP user and enjoy all the special benets
and services.
Security: To update the phone system,
please contact the individual ofcial local Mi
afliates or use self-updating feature of Mi
The presence of toxic and hazardous substances
O: toxic and harmful substances in all components of the device are contained
in an amount below the limit value according to SJ / T11363-2006 «requirements
limiting the presence of toxic and hazardous substances in products.»
X: indicates the presence of toxic and hazardous substances in at least one
of the components of this product in excess of the limit value, according to SJ
/ T11363-2006 «requirements limiting the presence of toxic and hazardous
substances in products.»
This product conforms to the
European RoHS requirements and
regulations for the protection of the
environment; international countries
still can not replace or reduce the
aluminum content in copper alloy.
In terms of environmentally safe
management stated that under
normal operating conditions leaks of
hazardous substances or elements of
the phone (not including the battery)
and its accessories is not possible.
During consumer use of electronic
information devices it have no
harmful effects on the environment,
human health, they can not cause
any serious injuries.
Specic Absorption Rate of this
device electromagnetic radiation
(SAR) reaches a maximum <2.0W /
kg, which matches the requirements
of the international standard
Operating temperature range:

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Andere handleiding(en) van Xiaomi Mi4c

Xiaomi Mi4c Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 56 pagina's

Xiaomi Mi4c Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

Xiaomi Mi4c Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 54 pagina's

Xiaomi Mi4c Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 56 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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