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Direct drainage at the rear of the dryer
To avoid to empty the water container at the
end of each drying cycle, connect the pipe
supplied in the dryer directly to a fixed drain
or put it into a sink.
Remove the pipe in the lower part behind the
dryer and mount it to the plastic connector
(shown in driagram), put a rag underneath to
collect water spillage.
Connect the pipe supplied with the dryer to
the connector. The maximum drain height
is 1m.
Make sure that the pipe is not bent or twisted
(the end of the pipe must not be immersed in
the drain water to avoid risk of siphoning).
The supplied hose length is 1,5m.
The maximum permitted length is 2,5m.
To change the direction of opening of the door
Unplug the dryer.
Open the door.
Remove the contact pin at the upper part of
the door with a spanner. Turn the contact pin
90° and take it out.
Unscrew the 2 screws at the door hinge and
remove the door.
To remove the door lock:
Unscrew the two screws above and below the
door lock system and slide it upwards (1,5 cm)
holding it from the bottom. Remove it.
To change the door opening:
Turn the door.
Re-fit the door with the 2 screws at the
preferred position.
Insert the door lock system at the opposite
side of the door and move it (1,5 cm) down.
Fix the 2 screws above and below the door
lock system
Take care not to reverse the sense of the
door lock system. The child safety must be
above the locking mechanism.
Replace the contact pin in the top of the door.
Wipe the cabinet with a mild household
detergent. Avoid using abrasive cleaners.
Clean the lint filter at the end of each drying
If the lint filter mesh is clogged, clean it with
water and a soft brush.
Clean the heat exchanger at least every
three months proceeding as follows:
Open the door and press the button on the
bottom of the door entrance.
The heat exchanger flap opens.
Rotate the retaining springs and extract the
heat exchanger.
67152GB.FM5 Page 20 Friday, June 9, 2000 3:47 PM

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