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1. Check that all fastenings are closed and that
pockets are empty.
2. Turn the articles inside out.
3. Place laundry loosely in the drum to make
sure it doesn’t become tangled.
Sort laundry as follows:
A) By care symbols
(on the collar or inside seam):
Suitable for tumble drying
Tumble drying with reduced drying
intensity only
Do not tumble dry
B) By amount and thickness/weight
Whenever the load to be dried exceeds dryer
capacity, separate laundry according to
weight (e.g. towels from thin underwear).
C) By type of fabrics
Cotton/linen: Towels, cotton jersey, bed and
table linen made of cotton or linen.
Synthetics/Easy Care: Blouses, shirts, overalls,
etc. made of polyester or polyamide, as well
as cotton/synthetic mixes.
D) By drying level
Sort into: iron dry, cupboard dry, etc.
Do not tumble dry: Woollens, silk, nylon
stockings, delicate embroidery, fabrics with
metallic decorations, bulky items such as
sleeping bags, etc.
Important: only use specific indicated dryer-
safe additives and rinse items that have been
treated with stain remover thoroughly in plenty
of water before drying. Only use specific
indicated dryer-safe plastic items and never
dry rubber or articles contaminated with
vegetable oil in the dryer.
Drying Time or Programme and Options:
To select a drying time or a programme, turn
the time selector knob clockwise.
To select an option (if available), press the
corresponding button.
Press the button again to cancel the option.
1. Having selected the desired drying time or
programme and options, press the Start
If the laundry is not removed at the end of
the drying cycle, an automatic anti-crease
cycle will operate for maximum 12 min. The
drum rotates at regular intervals, preventing
the laundry from creasing.
2. On completion of the drying cycle, set the time
selector knob to position “0”.
The dryer indicator lamp “On” switches off.
To interrupt the dryer during operation
1. Set the time selector knob to the programme
2. Wait at least 5 minutes before opening the
door to allow the dryer to cool down.
For your safety the drying time stops
automatically if you open the door.
3. To restart, after door opening, close the
door and press the Start button again.
Clean the lint filter at the end of every drying
1. Open the door.
2. Pull the filter upwards.
3. Remove lint using a soft brush or your
4. Push the filter firmly back into place.
To built in the dryer
1. It is recommended to not remove the work-
2. Connect the dryer to an external ventilation
system in order to prevent steam from
damaging your furniture during the years.
If a fault occurs, before contacting our After-
Sales Service, make the following checks to
try and remedy the problem:
Drying takes too long / laundry is not dry
Was the correct drying time selected?
Was the inserted laundry too wet (Washing
machine spin speed less than 800 rpm)?
Is the lint filter dirty (filter indicator lamp
The dryer does not operate:
Is the power plug properly inserted into the
mains electricity socket?
Is there a power failure?
Has the fuse blown?
Is the door properly closed?
Has the drying time been selected?
Has the Start button been pressed?
Lint filter indicator lamp on:
Is the lint filter clean?
Is the vent hose blocked?
If, after carrying out the above checks the
malfunction persists or appears again, turn
the dryer off and call our After-Sales Service
(refer to guarantee).
Please specify:
The nature of the fault.
The dryer type and model.
The service code (the number after the word
Service on the adhesive rating plate) on the
right-hand side when the door is open.
Your full address and phone number.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool awz 2200

Whirlpool awz 2200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool awz 2200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Whirlpool awz 2200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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