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These buttons serves to personalise the selected programme
according to personal requirements. Not all options are available
for all programmes. Some options are incompatible with the
ones previously set. The buzzer and/or blinking indicators
will signal the incompatibility. If the option is available, the
option indicator will stay on. Some options may be kept in the
memory of the programme if selected in the previous drying.
Some options may be kept in the memory of the programme if
selected in the previous drying of the same programme.
Eco Cotton kg Max*
Standard cotton programme, suitable to dry normally wet
cotton laundry. Most ecient programme in terms of energy
consumption for drying cotton laundry. The values on the Energy
Label are based on this programme.
Cotton kg Max*
For drying cotton laundry.
Mixed kg 4
This programme is ideal for drying cotton and synthetic
fabrics together.
Synthetics kg 4
For drying laundry made of synthetic bres.
Delicates kg 2
For drying delicate laundry which needs gentle treatment.
Wool kg 1
Programme for drying wool clothing. It is advisable to turn
the garments inside out before drying. Leave to dry naturally the
heaviest edges that are still damp.
Big Items kg Max*
This programme is intended for drying cotton sheets.
Rapid 30' kg 0,5
Ideal for drying cotton garments spun at high speed in the
washing machine.
Shirts kg 3
This is a programme for Shirts made from cotton or cotton
Easy Ironing
This cycle allows to extend the bres of garments thus
making ironing and folding easier. Do not use in case of
garments that are still wet. Suitable for small loads of cotton
textiles or cotton blends.
A short programme suitable for refreshing bres and
garments by means of fresh air. Do not use with garments that are
still wet. It can be used on with any load size but is more eective
with small loads. The cycle duration is about 20 minutes.
To set one of the following programmes, use the knob for
selecting and conrming the position of the "Special Programs".
The programmes list is accessed by rotating the knob. The
display shows the names of the available programmes. Conrm
the required programme by pressing the knob.
Jeans kg 3
For drying cotton jeans-wear and garments made of robust
cotton, like denim, such as trousers and jackets.
Miniload kg 1
Economic drying of small laundry loads.
Sport kg 4
For drying sports garments made of synthetics or cotton.
Silk kg 0,5
Gentle drying of silk garments.
Coloured kg Max*
Programme for gentle drying suitable for coloured garments.
Downjackets kg 2,5
To dry down jackets, giving their natural softness back (2
After selecting the programme, the various options can be
set, if necessary.
Drying Level
Each programme has a pre-set drying level. In some
programmes, the residual moisture on garments can be set.
Pressing the related option button, the LED goes on. Turn the
knob to browse among the levels available for each programme.
Press the knob to conrm.
Iron Dry: a very delicate ironing. Suitable for making ironing
of garments easier immediately after the end of the cycle.
Hanger Dry: a level intended for delicate garments ready to
be hanged.
Cupboard Dry: the garments are ready to be folded and put
Extra Dry: used for garments to be worn at the end of the
Drying Time
In some programmes, the drying time can be set. Pressing
the related option button, the LED goes on. Turn the knob to
visualize the times available for each programme. Press the knob
to conrm.
Start Delay
Pressing the related option button, the LED goes on. Turn the
knob to browse among the times available for each programme.
Press the knob to conrm.
In case of door opening, after closing, it is necessary to press the
button Start/Pause again.
Fresh Care+
If garments are left inside the drum after the end of the
cycle, they are subject to bacterial proliferation. This option allows
to prevent this proliferation by controlling the temperature and
the rotation of the drum. This treatment has a max. duration of 6
hours after the end of the programme set. This option remains in
memory if selected in the previous drying.
If this option is used together with the Start Delay, a crease treatment
(a periodic rotation of the drum) is added in the Start Delay phase.
Keys Locked
This option makes all machine controls inaccesible, except the
button On/O.
When the machine is on:
to activate the option, keep the button pressed until the
indicator goes on.
To disable the option, keep the button pressed until the
indicator goes o.
This option remains in memory if selected in the previous drying.
Cycle Options
This buttons serves to access a menu of available options (see
next options). After having pressed the button, turn the knob
to select the option and press it to conrm.
Enables quicker drying.
Enables a more gentle treatment of the laundry by reducing the
drying temperature.
Cycle end signal
This option activates a prolonged buzzer at the end of the
cycle. Enable it if you are not sure to hear the normal sound at the
end of the cycle.
This option remains in memory, if selected in the previous drying.
The duration of these programs will depend on the size of
the load, types of textiles, the spin speed used in your washer
and any extra options selected. In machines equipped with
display, the duration of the cycles is shown on the control
panel. The remaining time is constantly checked and adjusted
during the drying cycle to show the best possible estimate.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool STU83E

Whirlpool STU83E Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool STU83E Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool STU83E Snelstart handleiding - Français - 4 pagina's

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