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You can download the Safety Instructions, User Manual, Product Fiche and Energy data by:
Visiting our website - docs.whirlpool.eu
Using QR Code
Alternatively, contact our After-sales Service (See phone number in the warranty booklet). When
contacting our After-sales Service, please state the codes provided on your product’s identi cation plate.
In order to receive a more complete assistance,
please register your product on
Quick guide
Before using the appliance carefully read the Safety Instructions.
appliance turns o automatically to save energy.
If this last stage is not carried out immediately, some machines and/or
some programmes/options are equipped with Crease Care system. For
some hours, after the end of drying, the drum rotates at regular intervals
to prevent the formation of creases.
In case of power failure, it is necessary to press the button Start/
Pause to restart the cycle.
This indicator shows the energy consumption level according to
the programme and the options set. The consumption is
proportional to the lines on the display,by the ecomonitor icon.
Drum light (If present)
Some models are equipped with drum internal light to make use of the
dryer easier. No setting is required. For instance, the light goes on when
opening the door.
During operation, it is possible to open the door. After having closed
it, press the button Start/Pause again to restart the dryer.
The various settings can be selected with the modes described in
Language shows the languages available on display.
Keys Tone allows adjusting or removing the setting sounds of the
machine keys.
Cycle End Alert allows adjusting or removing the cycle end sounds
of the machine.
Display Contrast allows adjusting the display brightness
Remember last used cycle selects the last used cycle automatically
when starting the machine, otherwise it restarts from the default
Eco Mode allows adjusting the machine switching o after the cycle
Factory Settings allows resetting the factory settings.
When starting the appliance for the rst time, the control panel
will show the set language menu automatically. Turn the knob
to visualize the languages available in the machine. Press the
knob to conrm the selected languages.
Make sure that the water tank is correctly inserted. Make sure
that the drain hose on the back of the dryer is xed correctly,
either to the dryers water tank, or to your domestic sewage
The dryer should be installed in environment in a room
temperature range of 20°to 23°C for optimum performance. But
will function if the room is between 14 and 30°C.
Before you use your dryer ensure that it has been in a upright
position for at least 6 hours.
Should you wish to change the opening side of the door, please
contact our After-sales Service. (See phone number in the
warranty booklet).
The navigation can be made when the LED of the required
function is on. Browse the function by rotating the knob to
visualise the possible selections on the display.
Press the knob to conrm.
The machine proposes a path for selecting programmes and
options, with starting in sequence of the functions LEDs.
However, the programmes and options can be selected
autonomously by simply pressing the programmes button or
the required option.
Doing this will keep your machine working at its BEST!
Remember to empty your water tank after each drying cycle.
Remember to clean your lters after each drying cycle. (Refer
to section Care & Maintanence).
1. Open the door and load garments. Always refer to instructions
on clothing labels and the max loads indicated in the programme
section. Empty pockets. Make sure garments do not get caught
between the door and/or the door lter.
2. Close the door.
3. Press the button On/O.
4. Select the required programme according to the type of laundry.
The LED of the button P must remain on. Rotate the knob to
select the required value and then press the knob to conrm.
5. Select the options, if necessary. If the options have any
submenus, they can be browsed by rotating the knob and
then conrmed by pressing the knob.
6. To start the cycle, press the Start/Pause button.
7. At the end of the drying cycle, a buzzer will beep. The display
signals the end of the cycle. Pulling out the load immediately
helps to prevent the formation of creases on laundry.
8. Turn the machine o by pressing the button On/O, open the
door and pull clothing out. If the machine is not switched o
manually, after about a quarter of an hour from the cycle end, the
Always check the care labels, especially when placing garments in
the tumble dryer for the  rst time. Below are the most commonly
used symbols:
May be tumble dried.
Do not tumble dry.
Tumble dry – high heat.
Tumble dry – low heat.
*MAX LOAD 8 Kg (Dry load)
Refer to Troubleshooting section.
1. 10.2. 11.8. 13.7. 129. 4.
1 ON/OFF button (Reset if long pressed)
2 Programme button
3 Programme selection Knob (rotate to
select / press to conrm)
4 Start/Pause button
5 Programmes area
6 Display
Options Buttons
7 Settings
8 Fresh Care+
9 Keys Locked
10 Start Delay
11 Drying Time
12 Drying Level
13 Cycle Options

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  • Als ik katoen instel om te drogen dan geeft hij ruim 2.44 uur aan ook al is de trommel maar half vol
    Kan ik die tijd zelf regelen en hoe gaat dat eventueel
    Gesteld op 1-11-2020 om 12:24

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool ST U 83X EU

Whirlpool ST U 83X EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool ST U 83X EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

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