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Finish in
Enables to have the laundry ready at a particular time by
setting a delay until end of the programme.
Choose a delay up to 23 hours.
Select programme and options.
Press the “Finish in button – the symbol over the button lights up.
Turn the knob to select a delay up to 23 hours. Conrm the desired
delay by pressing the knob.
Press “Start / Pause - the countdown of the delay starts. The
display indicates that Finish in is active.
The programme starts automatically, in time to be nished at the
end of the delay period. On programme start, the delay on the
display is replaced by the remaining programme duration.
To cancel the delay
either press “Start/Pause” to cancel the delay. To start the selected
programme immediately, press “Start/Pause again .
or press and hold “On/O to cancel the complete programme
For any failures, refer to section TROUBLESHOOTING in the USE AND
Energy monitor
Gives feedback about the energy consumption of the
programme setting.
The less indicators light up, the more economic is your
programme setting.
Switch off and unplug the dryer before doing any cleaning and maintenance.
Caution, the water in the water tank can still be hot.
Empty water tank after each drying cycle
Hold the handle and carefully pull out the water tank. Hold the
full water tank with both hands. Empty the water and insert the
container by pushing it back into place. Make sure that it is properly
Clean door lter after each drying cycle
Open the door and remove the door lter by pulling it upwards.
Press the button to open the door lter. Remove the lint inside.
Close the lter and reinsert it in the right direction, so that it
completely integrates in the lter chamber.
Clean the bottom lter after about every fth drying cycle
Open the bottom ap. Hold the handle and pull out the bottom
Remove the foam from the bottom lter, to clean it. Clean the lter
foam and the lter by hand or under running water. Do not wash the
lter foam in the washing machine. Wring out the lter foam. Do not
insert it in the bottom lter dripping wet.
Fix the lter foam on the bottom lter. Clean the lter chamber of
the dryer with a damp cloth or carefully with a vacuum cleaner.
Insert the bottom lter again. Clap the lter handle down and close
the bottom ap.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 45 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 45 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 44 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Snelstart handleiding - Français - 8 pagina's

Whirlpool HSCX 10432 - 6TH SENSE Supreme Care Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 45 pagina's

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