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Not all options are combinable; the non-combinable option
switches o automatically.
OPTIONS which are directly selectable by pressing the
respective button:
Steam option
Minimizes creasing of garments made of cotton, synthetics
and their blends by adding a humidifying phase at the end of the
drying cycle.
Use the option with small loads only, unload the garments from the
dryer immediately after programme end and put them on clothes
The humidity level automatically adjusts to “cupboard dry” and
cannot be changed with this option.
Drying time
To adjust the desired Drying time if drying time or Airing
programme has been selected.
Press the button; the light goes on, and the drying time symbol on
the display lights up. Turn the knob to select the desired drying time
up to maximum 180 minutes, then press the knob to conrm.
Dryness level
To select the desired dryness level for the laundry load.
Press the button until it lights up. Turn the knob to select the
desired dryness level; chose between
iron dry (suitable to be ironed after the drying cycle,
therefore still slightly humid)
cupboard dry (dry enough to be put in a cupboard at the
end of the drying cycle)
extra dry (maximum dryness level)
and conrm by pressing the knob.
OPTIONS which are selectable with the Options button
Fresh Care
Helps to keep your laundry fresh if you cannot unload it soon
after programme end.
The dryer starts to tumble the laundry periodically a few minutes
after programme end. This tumbling will last up to approximately
12 hours after end of the programme. You can stop it at any time by
switching o the dryer with the On/O button.
Enables a more gentle treatment of the laundry by
reducing the drying temperature.
Enables quicker drying.
The following settings can be changed / selected:
Display language / Key tones / Cycle end alert / Display
contrast / Water conductivity (= adaptation to conductivity
of water used for washing; adjustable from 1 = most damp results,
to 5 = most dry results)/ Remember last used cycle (if set to “O,
Eco Cotton is the default programme which is selected when
switching on the dryer) / Eco mode (automatic switch-o function
after programme end) / Return to factory settings.
Press and hold the Settings button for at least 3 seconds.
Turn the knob to select the setting which you want to change;
conrm it by pressing the knob.
Turn the knob to adjust the setting; conrm by pressing the knob.
To exit the Settings mode, either turn the knob until the display
indicates that you can exit – then conrm by pressing the knob. Or
alternatively press the Settings button.
Key lock
To lock keys and knob of the control panel against
unwanted operation.
To lock the keys:
The dryer must be switched on.
Press and hold the Key lock button until the button lights
up. Knob and keys are locked now.
Only the On/O button works
If you switch the dryer o and on again, the key lock
remains active until you unlock it.
To unlock the keys:
Press and hold the Key lock button until the button light goes o.
Finish in
Enables to have the laundry ready at a particular time by
setting a delay until end of the programme.
Choose a delay up to 23 hours.
Select programme and options.
Press the “Finish in button – the symbol over the button lights up.
For drying sports garments made of synthetics or cotton.
For drying outdoor clothes which are appropriate for being treated
in a dryer.
For drying big single items such as down jackets.
Economic drying of small laundry loads.

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Whirlpool HSCX 10431 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 45 pagina's

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