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You can download the Safety Instructions, User Manual, Product Fiche and Energy data by:
Visiting our website - docs.indesit.eu
Using QR Code
Alternatively, contact our After-sales Service (See phone number in the warranty booklet). When
contacting our After-sales Service, please state the codes provided on your product’s identi cation plate.
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Quick guide
Before using the appliance carefully read the Safety Instructions.
Before using the appliance carefully read the Safety Instructions.
Unplug the dryer during the cleaning and maintenance
Emptying the water tank after each cycle (see Fig. A).
Pull the container out of the dryer and and empty it into a
sink or other suitable drain, then place it back. Do not use the dryer
without having inserted the container back in place.
Cleaning the primary door lter after each cycle (see Fig. B).
After each cycle, pull the primary door lter out and clean it by
removing the lint from the lter surface under running water or
using a vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning the secondary door filter when the relevant
indicator turns on (see Fig. C).
Pull the secondary door lter out and clean it in all its parts by
washing it under running water or using a vacuum cleaner.
For optimal performance, dry up all the lters before inserting
them back in place.
Do not use the dryer without having inserted all lters back
in place properly rst.
The lters are essential parts for drying. They are intended
to collect the lint formed during drying process. In case
of clogged lters, the air ow inside the dryer would be
seriously aected: the drying times would be longer, the
energy consumption would increase and the dryer could be
damaged. If these procedures are not carried out properly,
the dryer may not start.
The maintenance of the bottom lter of this model is
automatic. The dryer carries out cleaning when the sensors signal
the need to do so. In this case, the machine goes on working even
when the drying cycle is completed. An indicator on the control
panel will signal the maintenance.
Do not switch the machine o during this phase.
1. Water Tank
2. Air Intake
3. Door lter
B primary
C secondary
Never lift the dryer by holding it at the worktop.
1. Unplug the dryer.
2. Make sure that door and water tank are properly closed.
3. If the drain hose is connected to your sewage system, x the
drain hose on the rear of the dryer again (see Installation Guide)
Heat Pump System
The heat pump contains uorinated greenhouse gases,
contained in a hermetically sealed unit. This sealed unit contains
0,18 kg of the F gas R134a. GWP = 1430 (1 t CO2).
Power consumption
o-mode (Po) - Watts 0.50
left-on mode (Pl) - Watts 1.00
Programs Kg kWh Minutes
Eco Cotton *
8 1.86 194
Eco Cotton
4 1.09 126
Synthetics 4 0.83 109
*This is the reference programme for the energy label and suitable to
dry normal wet cotton laundry. This is the most ecient programme
in terms of energy consumption for drying wet cotton laundry.
(Standard/Default starting conguration)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool FTM2282Y

Whirlpool FTM2282Y Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool FTM2282Y Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Whirlpool FTM2282Y Snelstart handleiding - Français - 4 pagina's

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