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Dryness level
By selecting this option you can adjust the
dryness level of the laundry.
After the selection of the desired programme
you can choose the dryness level by pressing
the button.
Pressing 1 time you select a more dry level
Pressing 2 times you select a less dry level
Pressing 3 times you select again normal dry
During the selection phase of the
programme, pressing this button will switch
off all settings of selected options.
During running drying cycle the pressing of
the button will stop the cycle and set the
dryer back in selection mode.
The button needs to be pressed for
3 seconds.
Key lock
For child protection reasons, this option can
be used to lock all functions of the user
To activate this option, the button needs to
be pressed for 3 seconds, until the “key”
symbol at the display appears.
To deactivate this option, press the button
until the “key” symbol disappears.
The key lock function is still active even when
the selector knob is turned to “off “0”
position or the door is opened.
The function has to be deactivated.
Dry time adjustment
Turn the programme selector knob to
“Drying Time” position.
Press the button “Drying time” to select the
duration of cycle in ten minutes steps up to
120 minutes.
Selecting this option will reduce the drying
This option cannot be selected when the
option “Rapid” is selected.
Selecting this option reduces the drying time.
This option should only be selected for cotton
programmes, with a maximum load of 3.5 kg.
The garments shall have similar size and
This option can be chosen to reduce
wrinkling, when the laundry is not unloaded
directly after end of the cycle.
The drum turns from time to time for
maximum 12 hours.
It can be interrupted at any time by switching
off the dryer.
This option deactivates the Buzzer
function, if it is activated.
Finish in
With this function you can postpone your
programme to complete at a later time: press
the button to select in how many hours the
programme shall be finished.
Thus, it allows you to have your laundry
ready at a particular time and to profit
from more favorable energy rates during
the night, for example.
The Finish in function can be selected
in full hour time segments (1 to 24 h).
When you press the button, the shortest
possible time will be displayed; keep on
pressing the button to loop through all the
available times.
To remove it again, keep on pressing the
button until you see the value “off” 0”
When you have selected the desired
Finish in time, press Start the
countdown will begin.
During the countdown, you can still
modify the option setting (select or
deselect options).
Sometimes the programme may finish
before the selected Finish in time has
expired (e.g. for small loads).
In this case, the dryer will tumble the
laundry regularly to keep it fresh, until the
selected Finish in time has expired.
During tumbling, the display will show an
The tumbling phase can be stopped at
any time either by pressing any button, by
rotating the programme selector or by
opening the door.
5019 300 01384
(Subject to technical modifications)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 18 pagina's

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Snelstart handleiding - Français - 6 pagina's

Whirlpool AZB 7200 - 6TH SENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

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