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Intended use
These garden cutting tools are only intended for
cutting fresh branches and twigs from shrubs,
bushes, ornamental plants, hedges and small
Model No. GC501XX
Lopper (fig. A)
Application Cutting fresh wood
Safety lock No
Max. cutting diameter Ø 30mm
Total length 630mm
Blade length 70mm
Hedge shears (fig. B)
Application Cutting hedge, shrub or bush
Safety lock No
Max. cutting diameter Ø 6mm
Total length 570mm
Blade length 229mm
Secateurs (fig. C)
Application Cutting flowers and young, fresh
Safety lock Yes
Max. cutting diameter Ø 15mm
Total length 205mm
Blade length 50mm
The numbers in the text refer to the diagrams on
page 2.
1. Lopper
2. Hedge shears
3. Secateurs
4. Handle
5. Top blade
6. Bottom blade
7. Locking knob
8. Adjusting knob
9. Nut
10. Bolt
11. Spring
12. Buffer
Lopper (Fig. A)
The lopper (1) is well adjusted by default, but the
bolt (10) may loosen slightly with use. You can
tighten or loosen the bolt (10) and nut (9) to the
desired tightness. Too loose blades can cause the
lopper to break. It should be tightened as tight
as possible, but it should still be good to use. The
required tightness can be determined by practical
Hedge shears (Fig. B)
The hedge shears (2) is well adjusted by default,
but the adjusting knob (8) may loosen slightly with
use. You can tighten or loosen the adjustment knob
(8) to the desired tightness. Too loose blades can
cause the shears to break. It should be tightened
as tight as possible, but it should still be good to
use. The required tightness can be determined by
practical tests.
Secateurs (Fig. C)
Slide the locking knob (7) backward to unlock
the handles (4).
Use the secateurs.
After use push the secateurs handles (4) to-
gether and slide the locking knob (7) forward to
lock the handles (4).
NOTICE! Risk of product damage! Never
submerge products in water while cleaning.
Do not use cleaning agents or solvents.
Wipe the device using a dry cloth.
Cutting blade
Always wear gloves when handling or cleaning
the cutting blades.
Clean the cutting blades and spray with a
protective oil after every use. We recommend
lubricating the cutting blade with protective oil
at regular intervals during long working periods.
Visually inspect the condition of the cutting

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