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Please follow these safety instructions closely to prevent accidents and mate-
rial losses.
Safety instructions explained
This symbol warns against the
risk of injury.
Please note
This symbol warns against the
risk of material losses and envi-
ronmental pollution.
Details identified by the word "Note" con-
tain additional information.
Target group
These instructions are exclusively
designed for qualified personnel.
Work on gas equipment must only be
carried out by a qualified gas fitter.
Work on electrical equipment must
only be carried out by a qualified elec-
The system must be commissioned by
the system installer or a qualified per-
son authorised by the installer.
Observe the following when working on
this system
all legal instructions regarding the pre-
vention of accidents,
all legal instructions regarding envi-
ronmental protection,
the Code of Practice of relevant trade
all current safety regulations as
defined by DIN, EN, DVGW, TRGI,
TRF, VDE and all locally applicable
Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regu-
the appropriate Building Regulation
either the Building regulations, the
Building Regulation (Scotland),
Building Regulations (Northern Ire-
the Water Fittings Regulation or
Water Bylaws in Scotland,
the current I.E.E. Wiring Regula-
If you smell gas
Escaping gas can lead to explo-
sions which may result in serious
Never smoke. Prevent naked
flames and sparks. Never
switch lights or electrical appli-
ances ON or OFF.
Close the gas shut-off valve.
Open windows and doors.
Remove all people from the
danger zone.
Notify your gas or electricity
supplier from outside the build-
Shut off the electricity supply to
the building from a safe place
(outside the building).
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
5457 286 GB

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Andere handleiding(en) van Viessmann VITOTROL 100 - UTDB-RF2

Viessmann VITOTROL 100 - UTDB-RF2 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Viessmann VITOTROL 100 - UTDB-RF2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 32 pagina's

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