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Retractable steel roof
Quick Reference Guide
Refer to the Owner’s Manual for more detailed information.
TS 1632-A-07 July 2006
Luggage compartment
Stowage compartment behind the
The compartment is only suitable for
stowing light objects.
Maximum load: 10 kg.
: Secure objects to prevent
them from falling out and causing injury.
Retractable steel roof
Luggage compartment partition:
With the Retractable steel roof closed,
pull the centre of the partition, release it
and fold it rearward until catches
The luggage compartment partition
must be secured in the rearward position
if the Retractable steel roof is to be
Place no objects in front of the luggage
compartment partition.
When the Retractable steel roof is
closed, the luggage compartment
partition can be folded forward to
enlarge the luggage compartment.
Rotate both catches to the horizontal
position and pull both catches inward to
release - see figure 10468.
Return both catches to their original
position and fold the luggage
compartment partition forward, until it is
locked in the forward position.
Opening the roof:
Only with the vehicle stationary.
Apply the hand brake.
Engage the luggage compartment
partition in the rear position.
Place no objects in front of the rear
window or in front of the luggage
compartment partition.
Close the boot lid.
Release the locking levers on upper right
and left of the window frame, pulling
both levers all the way down. Both
retaining hooks must not be engaged.
Important information
Exercise care when opening the roof.
Risk of injury.
Pay close attention to the roof’s
movement zone during operation.
Make sure that nothing could become
Make sure no one is in the
movement zone during roof operation.
Risk of injury.
Before operating the roof in confined
areas, parking garages and the like,
check the amount of vertical clearance
Vehicle passengers should be informed
Before leaving the vehicle, remove the
ignition key in order to prevent
unauthorized operation of the windows
and Retractable steel roof.

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Vauxhall Tigra 2006 Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

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