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Refer to Owner’s Manual for detailed information. Note: some items described may be optional 3.
Quick Reference Guide
Instruments and controls
1. Radio 3, or infotainment 3
2. Tachograph 3
3. Stalk for horn / lighting / turn signals
4. Stalk for windscreen wipers,
automatic wipers with rain sensor 3
windscreen and headlight wash
system 3
5. Starter switch
Vehicle security
6. Headlamp range adjustment
7. Battery isolation switch 3
8. Switches for: air suspension 3, rear
seating compartment lights 3, ESP
(Electronic Stability Program) 3,
heated rear windows 3, cruise
control 3, speed limiter 3, winter and
laden programmes for Tecshift 3
9. Heating and ventilation controls
10. Hazard warning switch
11 . A s h t r a y
12. Document holder
13. Cigarette lighter
14. Note pad clip 3 or switches for: rear
compartment lighting 3 and rear
door lock isolator 3
Unlocking with two function remote or
selective door locking (three function)
Press button c to unlock on remote
control, within a range of 3 metres 3
- or - turn key in driver’s door lock to
unlock vehicle.
Press button G on the selective door
locking remote to unlock side and rear
loading doors.
Door locking with two function remote
or selective door locking (three
function) remote:
Press button e to lock on remote control,
within a range of 3 metres 3
- or - turn key in driver’s door lock to lock
Press button G on the selective door
locking remote to lock side and rear
loading doors.
Central locking switch
Locks or unlocks all doors from inside the
Engine immobiliser
z Deactivated when key is in ignition.
z Activated when key is removed.
Engine cannot be started in any other
way so keep spare key in a safe place
January 2007
TS 1518-B-07
Vehicle features
Starting the engine:
z Transmission in neutral, depress
clutch, Tecshift apply foot brake, do
not accelerate.
z Turn key to M, when preheating
control indicator goes out).
z Turn key to D.
Manual transmission:
Reverse gear: with vehicle stationary,
pull up collar and move gearshift lever
against resistance to engage reverse
Tecshift transmission 3:
Transmission display
Gear and programme information is
displayed in the transmission display.
Depress the foot brake, turn on the
ignition. If T is shown in the
transmission display, the foot brake has
not been depressed. When N is
displayed start engine.
If a gear other than N is selected there
will be a short delay whilst the
transmission shifts automatically into
Tecshift 3:
N = Neutral
o = Centre position
- = Shift to lower gear
+ = Shift to higher gear
A/M = Switch between automatic or
manual mode
R = Reverse
Move the selector lever to the
appropriate position and release. The
selector lever will return to the centre
The current gear will be displayed in the
transmission display.
Transmission fault
Indicator W illuminates in transmission
Tecshift automatic drive mode:
When the engine is started, Tecshift is in
automatic mode, “A” is shown in the
transmission display.
To engage 1st gear depress footbrake
and move selector lever toward +.
The vehicle will begin to creep when the
foot brake is released without
Tecshift manual drive mode:
+ shift to higher gear
- shift to lower gear
Move the selector lever to the
appropriate position and release.
The current gear will be displayed in the
transmission display.
Tecshift (continued)
Winter programme V
For starting-off on slippery surfaces:
Press button V - indicator illuminates in
the transmission display, vehicle pulls
away in a suitable gear.
Press button again to switch off.
Laden programme kg
For optimized gear selection when
vehicle has increased payload:
Press button kg - indicator illuminates in
transmission display.
Press button again to switch off.

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Vauxhall Movano 2007 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 177 pagina's

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