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Quick Reference Guide
Refer to Owner’s Manual for detailed information. Note: some items described may be optional 3.
Instruments and controls
1. Side air vents
2. Front passenger’s airbag 3
3. Infotainment system 3
4. Hazard warning lights,
LED for Vauxhall alarm system 3
5. Display 3 for time, date, outside
temperature, Infotainment system 3.
6. Centre air vents
7. Turn signals, headlight flash,
dipped beam, main beam
8. Horn
Vehicle security
9. Steering wheel remote control 3
10. Instruments
11. Windscreen wiper and wash system,
rear window wash system 3
12. Light switch
13. Headlight range adjustment 3,
fog tail light, front fog lights 3,
instrument illumination
14. Bonnet release lever
15. Starter switch with
steering column lock
16. Steering wheel adjustment 3
17. Accelerator pedal
18. Brake pedal
19. Clutch pedal 3
20. Seat heating 3
21. Accessory socket or
cigarette lighter 3
22. Ashtray 3
23. Air conditioning system 3,
heated rear window 3,
air recirculation system 3
24. Heating and ventilation system
25. Glove compartment
Press button q on remote control - or -
turn key in driver’s door lock towards
front of vehicle, turn key back to the
vertical position and remove; to unlock
from inside, pull up lock button on
driver’s door. Key design may vary.
Press button p on remote control - or -
turn key in driver’s door lock towards
rear of vehicle, turn key back to the
vertical position and remove; to lock
from inside, press lock button on driver’s
door. Press button p twice within
10 seconds to switch on mechanical
anti-theft locking.
Electronic immobiliser
z Deactivated when key is in ignition.
z Activated when key is removed.
Engine cannot be started in any other
way so keep spare key in a safe place!
June 2007 TS 1650-A-08
Vehicle features
Releasing steering column lock:
Turn the key to position 1 and move the
steering wheel slightly.
0 = Ignition off
1 = Steering released, ignition off
2 = Ignition on, diesel engine: preheating
3 = Start
Starting the engine:
Manual transmission in neutral,
depress clutch, apply foot brake,
(Easytronic in N), do not accelerate,
turn key to 3. (With diesel engines only:
turn key to 2, wait for preheating
indicator ! to go out, turn key to 3).
Light switches:
8 Parking lights
9 Dipped or main beam
> Front fog lights 3
r Fog tail light
0 Courtesy light
k Instrument illumination
? Headlight range adjustment 3
Manual transmission:
Reverse gear: with vehicle stationary,
pull up ring 3 seconds after de-clutching
and engage gear.
If the gear does not engage, set the
lever in neutral, release the clutch pedal
and depress again; then repeat gear
Easytronic transmission:
Current gear is displayed in the
transmission display.
The engine can only be started with the
lever in position N and with the foot
brake depressed. The display shows N.
If the foot brake is not depressed, N
flashes in the display and the engine
will not start.
Headlight range adjustment 3:
Reduces dazzle for oncoming traffic.
Combo Crew van:
0 = Front seats occupied
1 = All seats occupied
2 = All seats and load
3 = Driver’s seat and load
0 = Seats occupied
1 = Seats and half load
2 = Seats and full load
3 = Driver’s seat and full load
Manual mode:
+ = Shift to higher gear
- = Shift to lower gear
Starting-off aid
For starting-off on slippery surfaces:
Press button T - indicator illuminates,
vehicle pulls away in 2nd gear.
Press button again to switch off.
Transmission fault
Indicator A illuminates.
To unlock and open rear doors:
Turn key to vertical position - or - press
button q on remote control, pull handle
and open rear door. To open left rear
door, pivot handle on the inside.
Tyre pressures (psi)*, Combo
Engine Tyres Front Rear
Z 13 DTJ All tyres 35 35
Z 14 XEP All tyres 35 35
Z 17 DTH All tyres 35 35
Y 13 DT All tyres 35 35
With load of up to 2 persons and 100 kg load
Tyre pressures (psi)**, Combo
Z 13 DTJ All tyres 35 51
Z 14 XEP All tyres 35 51
Z 17 DTH All tyres 35 51
Y 13 DT All tyres 35 51
With full load
Tyre pressures (psi)*, Combo Crew van
Engine Tyres Front Rear
Z 13 DTJ All tyres 35 35
Z 14 XEP All tyres 35 35
Z 17 DTH All tyres 35 35
Y 13 DT All tyres 35 35
With load of up to 2 persons and 100 kg load
Tyre pressures (psi)**, Combo Crew van
Z 13 DTJ All tyres 35 51
Z 14 XEP All tyres 35 51
Z 17 DTH All tyres 35 51
Y 13 DT All tyres 35 51
With full load
All temporary space saver spares = 61 psi

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Andere handleiding(en) van Vauxhall Combo 2007

Vauxhall Combo 2007 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 222 pagina's

Vauxhall Combo 2007 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 210 pagina's

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