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Vehicle features
Quick Reference Guide
Refer to Owner’s Manual for detailed information.
Illustrations may depict left-hand drive vehicles.
Operation is similar for right-hand drive vehicles.
Depending on the model variant, special equipment
and accessories, the scope of equipment on your
vehicle may differ from the descriptions in this guide.
TS 1718-A-13 / KTA 2727-2 June 2012
Vehicle features Vehicle features
Unlocking the vehicle:
Press button ( once to unlock
driver’s door.
To unlock all doors and load
compartment, press button (
Unlocking with Open & Start:
With remote control in range, press
lock/unlock button on door handle
to unlock driver’s door. Press again
within 5 seconds to unlock all
The vehicle may also be configured
to unlock all doors with one press of
button ( or the lock/unlock button.
Locking the vehicle:
Press button ) on remote control
with doors closed.
Locking with Open & Start:
Providing the lock/unlock button
was used to unlock, it can also be
used to lock the vehicle.
Deadlocking, activating alarm
Press ) or the lock/unlock button
twice within 5 seconds to deadlock
doors and activate alarm.
Electronic immobiliser:
Activated automatically after
ignition is switched off.
1. Cruise control,
Lane departure warning,
Forward collision alert
2. Light switch,
Turn and lane-change signals,
Pedestrian safety alert
3. Horn
4. Instrument cluster,
Driver Information Centre (DIC)
5. Steering wheel controls
6. Windscreen wiper/washer
7. Centre air vents
8. Interior lights, Parking assist,
Anti-theft alarm system,
Electronic Stability Control,
Traction Control system,
Seat belt reminder,
Airbag deactivation indicator
9. Interior mirror
10. Charging status indicator
11. Light sensor, Climate sensor
12. Instrument panel storage
13. Colour-Info-Display
14. Side air vents
15. Glovebox
16. Central locking buttons
17. Electrical parking brake
18. Infotainment system
19. Shift lever
20. Power button
21. Drive mode button
22. Leaf button
23. Bonnet release lever
24. Steering wheel adjustment
25. Instrument panel illumination
26. Charge port door release
27. Power windows
28. Fuel door release button
29. Driver Information Centre
(DIC) controls
30. Headlight range adjustment
Electric drive unit:
P = Park position.
Front wheels are locked,
engage only when vehicle
is stationary and the
parking brake is applied
R = Reverse gear.
Engage only when vehicle is
N = Neutral
D = Drive mode
L = Low.
Vehicle speed is reduced
without using brakes. Use for
steep hills, snow or mud
To move out of P, switch ignition
on, depress brake pedal and press
selector lever button.
Electric vehicle operation modes:
In electric mode, the vehicle is
powered by electrical energy
stored in the battery.
In extended range mode, when the
stored electrical energy is
exhausted, electricity is produced
by the fuel-powered engine.
Drive modes:
The following drive modes can also
be selected from the display by
pressing the DRIVE MODE button:
Sport (for more responsive
Mountain (for steep hills etc.
Select mode 20 minutes before
driving on steep grades to build
reserve battery charge)
Hold (select during Electric
mode to reserve battery charge.
Vehicle switches to Extended
range mode)
Release button when desired mode
is highlighted to activate mode.
Press button again to return to
Normal mode.
Starting the vehicle:
Move selector lever to P or N.
The propulsion system will not
start in any other position.
Move steering wheel slightly to
release steering wheel lock.
Remote control must be inside
the vehicle.
(A display message will appear
if the remote control is not
Depress brake pedal.
Press power button m to switch
on ignition; LED illuminates.
When R illuminates,
the vehicle is ready to be driven.
Press power button
m to switch off
ignition; LED extinguishes. Selector
lever must be in position P.
The battery can only be charged
when the vehicle is stationary.
Start charge:
1. With selector lever in position P,
release the charge port door by
pressing the release button b
in the driver’s door trim panel for
1 second - or - press button $
on remote control.
Start charge (continued):
2. Open tailgate, lift the floor
cover and remove the
charge cord, located next to
tyre repair kit.
3. Pull up charge cord handle
to release it from the clip.
4. Lift charge cord up and towards
rear to remove from vehicle.
Vehicle plug is stored as
shown in the illustration.
5. Plug charge cord into electrical
6. Select charge level using the
Select charge level preference
screen on Colour-Info-Display.
End charge (continued):
5. Before storing the charge cord,
ensure it is facing upwards and
then wrap the charge cable
anti-clockwise around the body
of the charge cord.
Start charge (continued):
7. Insert the vehicle plug end of the
charge cord into the vehicle’s
charge port.
8. Check that the charging status
indicator on top of the
instrument panel illuminates
and a horn chirp occurs.
9. Lock the vehicle with the remote
control to arm the charge cord
theft alert system.
End charge:
1. Unlock the vehicle with the
remote control to disarm the
charge cord theft alert system.
2. Remove the vehicle plug end of
the charge cord from the vehicle.
3. Close charge port door.
4. Unplug charge cord from
electrical outlet.
End charge (continued):
6. Place the charge cord into the
storage compartment.
Programmed charging override:
To temporarily override a delayed
charge event, unplug the charge
cord from the charge port and plug
it back in within 5 seconds. A single
horn chirp will sound and charging
will begin immediately.
To cancel a temporary override,
unplug the charge cord from the
charge port and wait for
10 seconds, then plug the charge
cord back in. A double horn chirp
will sound and charging will be
Charging status:
The vehicle has a charging status
indicator at the centre of the
instrument panel, near the
When the vehicle is plugged in and
the vehicle power is off, the
charging status indicator denotes
the following:
Green (steady) -
one horn chirp:
Vehicle plugged in, battery
Green (steady or long flashing) -
4 horn chirps:
Insufficient time to fully charge
before departure time.
Green (long flashing) -
2 horn chirps:
Vehicle plugged in, battery
charging is delayed.
Charging status (continued):
Green (short flashing) -
No horn chirp:
Vehicle plugged in, battery fully
Yellow (steady) -
no horn chirp:
Vehicle has been plugged in.
If indicator remains yellow, a
malfunction has occurred.
No light signal or horn chirp
(upon plug-in):
Check charge cord connection.
No light signal or horn chirp
(after green or yellow appears):
Check charge cord connection.
No light signal -
repeated horn chirps:
Charging interrupted. Unplug
charge cord or press button (
on remote control to stop this
The system may be thermally
conditioning the battery during
any of the above states, requiring
electrical energy to be transferred
to the vehicle.
If the vehicle is plugged in and the
power is on, the charging status
indicator will be a steady green.
If the vehicle is plugged in and the
charging status indicator is off, a
charging fault has been detected.
If a faulty connection is not the
cause, consult a workshop.
Tyre pressure:
Check tyre pressures, including the spare, every 14 days and prior to any long journey; tyres should be
checked when cold. This also applies to vehicles with tyre pressure monitoring system.
The tyre pressure data refers to cold tyres. It applies to summer and winter tyres.
The ECO tyre pressure serves to achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible.
Tyre pressure (psi)
Comfort setting for upto
3 people:
Tyres Front Rear
All 215/55 R17 35 35
205/60 R16 38 38
Tyre pressure (psi)
With full load
Tyres Front Rear
All 215/55 R17 36 42
205/60 R16 39 45
Tyre pressure (psi)
ECO setting for upto
3 people
Tyres Front Rear
All 215/55 R17 39 39
205/60 R16 41 41
Charge cord:
A portable charge cord used to
charge the vehicle battery is stored
under the load compartment.
The charge cord used to charge the
vehicle is a high-powered electrical
device. During normal operation,
the AC wall plug may feel warm.
The AC wall plug must fit tightly
into an AC outlet that is in good
Risk of electric shock or other
hazards if using charge cord when
any part of it is damaged. Do not
open or remove the cover.
Do not use an AC outlet that is
worn or damaged.
An extension lead should not be
used to charge the vehicle.
An adapter kit may be included, to
allow the use of your charge cord in
different countries in central
Europe. When using an adapter,
make sure the charge level selected
is appropriate for your supply
circuit. See the reference card
included in the adapter kit.
Using damaged adapters or
adapters not designed for use with
the charge cord may increase the
risk of electric shock or start a fire.
Only use adapters that have been
designed to be used with the
charge cord.
Do not use a damaged adapter.
Charge level selection:
Charge level selection is made
using the Select charge level
preference screen on the Colour-
Press button8 on the instrument
panel until Charging is displayed.
The charge level preference should
be configured to match the
electrical current rating for the
AC outlet that the charge cord is
connected to.
The charge level preference
settings are:
Maximum - 10 Amps
Limits AC current to 10 Ampere
Reduced - 6 Amps
Limits AC current to 6 Ampere
By choosing a reduced charge
level, the charging time is
If the capacity of the electrical
circuit or AC socket is unknown,
only use the lowest charge level
until the circuit capacity has been
inspected by a qualified electrician.
Engine oil:
Check engine oil level manually on
a regular basis to prevent damage
to engine. Ensure that the correct
specification of oil is used.
Check with vehicle on a level
surface. Engine must be at
operating temperature and
switched off for at least 5 minutes.
Pull out dipstick, wipe clean, insert
to stop on the handle, pull out and
read engine oil level.
The engine oil dipstick handle may
be hot.
When the engine oil level has
dropped to the MIN mark on the
dipstick, top up engine oil.
Insert dipstick to the stop on the
handle and make half a turn.
We recommend the use of the
same grade of engine oil that was
used at the last change.
The engine oil level must not
exceed the MAX mark on the
It is the owner’s responsibility to
maintain the correct level of an
appropriate quality oil in the
Do not allow the engine oil level to
drop below the minimum level!

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Vauxhall Ampera 2012 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 95 pagina's

Vauxhall Ampera 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 195 pagina's

Vauxhall Ampera 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 195 pagina's

Vauxhall Ampera 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 199 pagina's

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