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1. If your Touch Tablet™ stops working or does not turn on:
Check your batteries. Make sure the batteries are fresh and properly installed.
Insert the tip of a paper clip (or a similar object without a sharp tip) into the small hole on
the top left of the unit labeled “Reset.”
Note: After resetting, you will lose any stored data, and default settings will be restored.
If you are still having problems, visit our website at www.vtechkids.com for troubleshooting
2. If when pressing the On/Off button, nothing happens:
Make sure your unit is plugged in.
If you are using batteries, check to see that they are aligned correctly.
3. If you turn the unit on, but cannot see anything on the screen:
Adjust the contrast switch to adjust the darkness of the screen.
4. If you can’t hear any sound:
Adjust the volume switch to adjust the sound level of the speaker.
5. If the screen is frozen and not responding to any input:
Use the tip of a paper clip (or a similar object without a sharp tip) to gently press the
Reset button.
6. If you experience a problem with the USB connection:
Disconnect the USB cable from both the Touch Tablet™ and the PC, and reconnect it
If you continue to experience problems, turn off both the Touch Tablet™ and PC, and
restart them again.
If you have a problem that cannot be solved by using this manual, we encourage you to
visit us online or contact our Consumer Services Department with any problems and/or
suggestions that you might have. A support representative will be happy to assist you.
Before requesting support, please be ready to provide or include the information below:
The name of your product or model number (The model number is typically located on
the back or bottom of your product.)
The actual error message or problem you are experiencing.
The actions you took right before the error message or problem occurred.
Internet: www.vtechkids.com
Phone: 1-800-521-2010 in the U.S. or 1-877-352-8697 in Canada

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