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WARNING: to reduce the risk of personal injury, unplug the steamer and ensure unit has fully cooled
down before performing maintenance/troubleshooting checks.
Is there an accessory missing?
• Check the parts overview page in this guide to make sure
the part is definitely included with your machine.
If the part is missing, we’re here to help. Simply call us
on: 0844 412 8455
What do I do if the machine/an accessory has become
damaged or broken?
• Visit vax.co.uk for spares and parts.
• Please call our Careline to purchase new spares or order
a replacement.
What to do if the steam cleaner has no power?
• The unit may not be plugged into an electrical outlet;
ensure the plug is pushed in securely.
• Check the mains power is switched on.
• The electrical outlet may not be working; check the fuse or
breaker and consult an electrician.
The power cord may be damaged; if it is it must be
replaced by the manufacturer.
Why is the steam cleaner not producing steam?
• Check the mains power is switched on.
• There may be no water in the tank; please refer to the
operation section.
• Check that the safety latch has been unlocked on the
steam handle.
• Check that the unit has not been overfilled as there must
be space in the tank for the water to heat. If overfilled the
unit will deliver little steam or water droplets.
• The water may not yet be at temperature; the green and
red steam ready indicator light will both be illuminated
when the water is at temperature and is ready to use.
• If the unit is producing a very small amount of steam,
check the variable steam power dial and adjust to max.
If none of the points above are of assistance, we’re here
to help. Simply call us on: 0844 412 8455
When the unit has been switched off and fully cooled
remove the water tank lid. If limescale build up can be
seen inside the tank the unit will need to be descaled.
What do I do if the steam cleaner takes a long time to
heat up?
When the unit has been switched off and fully cooled
remove the water tank lid. If limescale build up can be
seen inside the tank the unit will need to be descaled.
Otherwise, we’re here to help. Simply call us on:
0844 412 8455
or call:
(UK) 0844 412 8455
(ROI) 1-800 928 308
This does not aect your statutory rights
Instead of taking me back
to the shop, simply visit:
were here if you need us

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