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Liquid butter or margarine 50 g 100 g 100 g 150 g
Sugar 50 g 100 g 100 g 150 g
Cinnamon ½ tsp ¾ tsp ¾ tsp 1 tsp
Program TEIG(dough)
Take the dough out of the container and knead it again.
Roll the dough to a square on a plate sprinkled with our. Spread the soft butter on the dough. Mix cinnamon and sugar and spread over
the butter.
Roll the dough and cut it into slices.
Lay the slices on a baking plate.
Let rise for 40 min. and bake in the preheated oven at 190°C for 25-30 min.
Brush the warm rolls with sugar icing.
Double mould Large mould
Ingredients 9 pcs 12 pcs 12 pcs 18 pcs
Eggs, ll up with water or milk to 1, 225 ml 2, 300 ml 2, 300 ml 3, 450 ml
Butter/Margarine 55 g 75 g 75 g 110 g
Salt ½ tsp ¾ tsp ¾ tsp 1 tsp
Sugar 40 g 50 g 50 g 75 g
Flour type 405 400 g 540 g 540 g 800 g
Dry yeast ¾ bag 1 bag 1 bag 1 ½ bag
Program: BASIS+ TEIG or SCHNELL (Rapid)+TEIG
Take dough out of the container, knead and divide into portions.
Make one large and one small ball of each portions.
Put the large ball into the greased brioche moulds. Put the small ball in the middle. Let leaven.
Beat egg with some sugar, brush the brioches and bake them.
Jam and marmalade can be prepared rapidly and easily in the Backmeister. Even if you have never tried it before, you should do this now. You will
get very delicious jam. Please use always the large mould for preparing jam or marmalade.
- Wash fresh fruit. Peel apples, peaches, pears and other fruit with hard skin.
- Never take more than the quantities below, to avoid the fruit cooking too early and overcooking.
- Weight the fruit, cut them into small pieces (max.1 cm) or mash them with a handblender and ll them into the container.
- Add preserving sugar „2:1“ in the indicated amount. Never use standard sugar or perserving sugar „1:1“, as the jam will remain liquid.
- Mix fruit and sugar and start the program which will run fully automatically.
- After 1:20 hour the machine beeps and you may ll the jam into glasses and close them.
Please be careful to set the cooking period not too long to avoid overcooking.
Strawberry jam
Fresh strawberries, washed, cut or mashed 900 g
Preserving sugar „2:1“ 500 g
Lemon juice 1 tblsp
Mix all ingredients in the container with a rubber scraper.
Select the program „Kontüre (jam)“ and start.
Remove sugar residues from the side by means of a rubber
After the beep remove the container from the machine.
Attention: HOT!
Fill the jam into glasses and close them carefully.
Orange marmelade
Oranges, peeled and cubed 900 g
Lemons, peeled and cubed 100 g
Preserving sugar „2:1“ 500 g
Peel oranges and lemons and cut them into small cubes.
Add sugar and mix all ingredients in the pan.
Select the program „Kontüre (jam)“ and start.
Remove sugar residues from the side by means of a rubber
After the beep remove the container from the machine.
Attention: HOT!
Fill the jam into glasses and close them carefully.

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