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You can use your Backmeister to prepare dough, which is then formed and baked in the oven. You can use the program Basis+Teig (dough), or
Schnell (Rapid)+Teig (dough). We recommend the latter for smaller quantities and for light dough (with little fat), as the leavening time is shorter
(see program schedule). In both programs the ingredients can be added after the beep during the second kneading. The program Teig/dough does
not offer several baking steps, but we offer different quantities at your choice:
Double mould Large Mould
Ingredients for pretzels - pcs 9 pcs 12 pcs 12 pcs 18 pcs
Water 200 ml 300 ml 300 ml 400 ml
Salt ¼ tsp ½ tsp ½ tsp ¾ tsp
Flour type 405 360 g 540 g 540 g 720 g
Sugar ½ tsp ¾ tsp ¾ tsp 1 tsp
Dry yeast ½ bag ¾ bag ¾ bag 1 bag
Egg (beaten) to brush the surface 1 1 1 1
Coarse salt to sprinkle on the surface
Fill all ingredients except the egg and the salt into the container.
Select the program: BASIS+TEIG(dough) or SCHNELL (Rapid) +TEIG (dough).
When the signal sounds and the display shows „0:00“, press Stop.
Preheat the oven to 230°C.
Divide the dough in portions and form thin rolls.
Form Pretzels and lay them on a greased baking plate.
Brush the Pretzels with beaten egg and sprinkle them with coarse salt.
Bake in the preheated oven at 200°C about 12-15 minutes.
Wholemeal pizza
Double mould Large mould
Ingredients: 2 Pizzas 3 Pizzas 3 Pizzas 4 Pizzas
Water 150 ml 225 ml 225 ml 300 ml
Salt ½ tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp
Olive oil 2 tblsp 3 tblsp 3 tblsp 4 tblsp
Wholemeal our 300 g 450 g 450 g 600 g
Wheat germs 1 tblsp 1½ tblsp 1½ tblsp 2 tblsp
Dry yeast ½ bag ¾ bag ¾ bag 1 bag
Program: BASIS+TEIG or Schnell (Rapid)+Teig
Roll out the dough, place it on a baking plate and let it rise for 10 min..
Distribute pizza sauce and the desired topping on the dough.
Bake about 20 minutes.
Tea cake
Double mould Large mould
Ingredients for a mold of 22 cm Ø 26 cm Ø 26 cm Ø large baking
Milk 170 ml 225 ml 225 ml 340 ml
Salt ¼ tsp ½ tsp ½ tsp ¾ tsp
Egg yolk 1 1 1 2
Butter/margarine 10 g 20 g 20 g 30 g
Flour type 550 350 g 450 g 450 g 700 g
Sugar 35 g 50 g 50 g 75 g
Dry yeast ½ bag ¾ bag ¾ bag 1 bag
Program: BASIS+TEIG (dough) or SCHNELL (Rapid)+TEIG(dough)
Take the dough out of the machine, knead it again and roll it.
Lay the dough plate into the mould and spread the following topping on the dough:
Melted butter 2 tblsp 3 tblsp 3 tblsp 4 tblsp
Sugar 75 g 100 g 100 g 150 g
Cinnamon 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp
Chopped nuts 60 g 90 g 90 g 120 g
Spread butter on the dough.
Mix sugar, cinnamon and nuts and spread over the butter.
Let rise for 30 min. an bake.
Coffee biscuits
Double mould Large mould
Ingredients: 9 pcs 12 pcs 12 pcs 18 pcs
Milk 100 ml 200 ml 200 ml 300 ml
Salt ¾ tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp
Water 30 ml 45 ml 45 ml 75 ml
Butter 30 g 45 g 45 g 60 g
Egg 1 1+1egg yolk 1+1egg yolk 2
Flour type 405 350 g 450 g 450 g 700 g
Sugar 1 ½ tblsp 2 tblsp 2 tblsp 3 tblsp
Dry yeast ½ bag ¾ bag ¾ bag 1 bag
Program: BASIS+TEIG (dough) or SCHNELL (Rapid)+TEIG(dough)
Form the dough according to your wishes or make cinnamon rolls

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