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1. Please check, if all parts and accessories are complete and fault-
2. Before using the machine for the rst time, remove all packing ma-
terials ans loose parts from the inside.
3. Wipe the bread pans of the Backmeister with warm water and a
mild detergent and clean the kneading blades.
4. Wipe the exterior of the appliance with a damp cloth. Do not im-
merse the appliance into water.
5. Dry all parts thoroughly. Place the bread pan into the machine.
6. Put the plug into a power socket and switch on the appliance. The
breadmaker is now ready for operation and can be programmed.
7. During the rst operation cycle, steam may be produced. We re-
commend to use the appliance for the rst time with only the bread
pan inserted (no kneading blades, no ingredients) in the program
BAKING POWDER. Afterwards let the appliance cool down.
8. Now your breadmaker is ready for baking the rst bread.
1. Before the Backmeister is used for the rst time, wash the bread
pan and kneader with warm water and a mild washing-up liquid. All
parts must be dried thoroughly before mounting them.
2. Always switch off the appliance and remove the plug from the mains
before cleaning it. Always allow the breadmaker to cool down be-
fore it is cleaned and stored. It takes approximately 30 min. for the
breadmaker to cool down before it can be used again
3. Remove all ingredients and crumbs from the lid, case and baking
chamber with a moist cloth. Never immerse the breadmaker in wa-
ter and never ll the baking chamber with water. The lid can be
removed for easy cleaning; simply open the lid to an angle of 40°
and then pull.
4. Wipe the bread pan with a moist cloth. The inside of the bread pan
can be rinsed with warm water and washing-up liquid. Do not soak
the bread pan in water for long time. Do not use any sharp or abra-
sive detergents.
5. Both the kneader and driving shaft should be cleaned immediately
after use. The kneader may be difcult to remove if it remains in the
baking tin. In this case ll the bread pan with warm water and allow
it to soak for approx. 30 minutes. The kneader can then be easily
removed for cleaning.
6. The bread pans and kneading blades are equipped with a high qua-
lity QUANTANIUM® non-stick coating. Never use metal objects or
scourers to clean the surface of the non-stick container. It is normal
for the colour of the non-stick surface to change in the course of
time. This does not inuence the non-stick function.
7. Bread pan and kneading blades are subject to an wear and tear.
Bread pans and kneadings blades with damaged coating need to
be replaced. Please use the order sheet at the end of the booklet.
8. Condensation from the steam accumulates between the inside and
outside lid during baking and ows off the lid when baking has been
completed. This is normal. Any discolouration of the lid is of no
consequence, but it can be removed with an appropriate cleaner.
9. Before the breadmaker is packed away for storage ensure that it
has completely cooled down, is clean and dry, and that the lid is
The alarm sounds:
- whenever the appliance is connected to the mains and is switched
on by means of the ON/OFF switch; this means, that the appliance
is ready for operation and can be programmed;
- whenever pressing any of the buttons;
- during the second kneading process, to alert you that seeds, fruit,
nuts or other ingredients can now be added.
- after the baking process, the appliance bleeps often during the
keep-warm phase to alert you that the programm has nished.
Should the electricity supply have been cut off during the operation of
the Breadmaker, the appliance will re-start, on re-instatement of the
supply, automatically from the point arrived at when the cut-off occurred
as long as the pause is not longer than 2 minutes.
If the break in the electricity supply last more than 2 minutes and the
display shows the basic setting, the Breadmaker must be re-started.
This is only practical if the dough was not further than the kneading
phase when the break occurred. Otherwise the program must be
started from the very beginning or can be continued by programming
the individual program accordingly.
If the temperature in the appliance, due to previous use, is too high
(above 40°C) for a newly chosen program, when an attempt to re-
start is made, the display will show HOT and an alarm sound will be
heard ve times. Should this occur, remove the pan and wait until the
appliance has cooled off and is back to the beginning of the originally
chosen program.

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