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1. Please read these instructions carefully and keep them in a safe
2. This appliance is not designed to be used by persons (including
children) with limited physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, or
lacking in experience and/or knowledge. This is unless they are
supervised by a person responsible for their safety, or they are ins-
tructed by such a person on how to use the appliance.
3. Children should be supervised in order to ensure they don‘t play
with the machine.
4. Connect the appliance to alternating current only, in accordance
with the rating plate.
5. Appliances are not intended to be operated by means of an exter-
nal timer or separate remote-control system.
6. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use oven gloves. The Backmeister is
very hot when baking has nished
7. Do not immerse the motor block, the power cord and the plug into
water – risk of short circuit.
8. When the appliance is not being used and before it is cleaned,
switch off the appliance at the ON/OFF switch and disconnect the
power supply plug from the mains.
9. Use only the accessories supplied with the breadmaker or re-
commended by the manufacturer. The use of other materials may
cause risks or damages.
10. Place the breadmaker on a surface in such a manner that it cannot
slip, as can happen when kneading a stiff dough. This must be ta-
ken into account with advance programming when the breadmaker
operates unattended. Use a thin rubber mat on a slippery surface
so that the danger of slipping is prevented.
11. The Backmeister must be operated at least 10 cm from other ob-
jects. The breadmaker must not be used outdoors!
12. Ensure that the power supply cable does not come into contact
with hot surfaces, nor hang down from the worktop so that children
cannot pull the cable.
13. Never place the breadmaker on a gas or electric hob or alongside
a hot baking oven.
14. Utmost care must be taken when moving the breadmaker when it
contains hot liquids (jam).
15. Never remove the baking mould during operation.
16. Never ll the baking mould with more than the specied quantities,
particularly with white bread. The bread will not be uniformly baked
and the dough will overow! Please refer to the corresponding ins-
17. Provide close supervision when testing new recipes.
18. Never switch on the appliance without properly placed bread pan .
19. Never beat the bread pan on a working top or edge to remove the
pan. This may entail damages.
20. Metal foils or other materials must not be inserted into the bread-
maker as this can give rise to the risk of a re or short circuit.
21. Never cover the breadmaker with a towel or any other material.
Heat and steam must be able to escape freely. A re can be caused
if the breadmaker is covered by, or comes into contact with, com-
bustible material, e.g. curtains.
22. Before a certain type of bread is baked overnight, you should
always try out the recipe rst to conrm the correct mixing ratio of
the individual ingredients, that the dough is not too stiff or thin, or
that the quantity is not excessive and overow.
23. Check the plug and power cord regularly for wear and damage. In
case of a fault, please send the appliance for inspection/repair to
our after sales service (address see last page). Inadequate repair
may constitute a risk for the user and result in the loss of guaran-
Model 68511
Power rating: 700 W - 230 V - 50 Hz
410 x 220 x 340 mm
Weight: 7,5 kg
Bread pan:
large mould, inner size: 223 x 127 x 152 mm
double mould, inner size: each 10,0 x 12,5 x 15,2 cm
Volume: large mould: 750 – 1800 g bread weight
double mould: each 350-500 g bread weight
Power cord: 100 cm, rmly mounted
Housing: Sheet steel, enamelled
Lid: Plastic, with control window
Features: 9 preset programs
1 individual program
Select key for different bread weights
Select key for different browning levels
Time select key for time dealy up top 13 hrs
Automatic keep-warm stage
ON/OFF switch
Accessories: 1 large baking mould, 1 double baking mould, with Quantanium
2 small kneading blades, 2 large kneading blades, 2 kneading blades for
double bread mould
measuring cup and spoon
hook to remove the kneading blades
Instruction booklet with many recipes
Subject to technical modications.
The appliance is only provided for domestic use. The manufacturer does not assume any warranty in case of improper or incorrect
use or after repair by unauthorized third parties.

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