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EN 15
cordless compressor and cordless air pump PCPS 10-16V / PCPS 11-16V
Warning of electrical voltage
There is a risk of a short-circuit due to liquids
penetrating the housing!
Do not immerse the device and the accessories in
water. Make sure that no water or other liquids can
enter the housing.
Clean the device with a soft, damp and lint-free cloth.
Make sure that no moisture enters the housing. Protect
electrical components from moisture. Do not use any
aggressive cleaning agents such as cleaning sprays,
solvents, alcohol-based or abrasive cleaners to dampen
the cloth.
Dry the device with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Dry the bits with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Keep the connecting terminals on the device and charger
Keep the connecting terminals on the battery pack clean.
Keep the ventilation openings free from dust deposits to
prevent overheating of the motor.
The icon with the crossed-out waste bin on waste
electrical or electronic equipment stipulates that this equipment
must not be disposed of with the household waste at the end of
its life. You will find collection points for free return of waste
electrical and electronic equipment in your vicinity. The
addresses can be obtained from your municipality or local
administration. For further return options provided by us please
refer to our website https://de.trotec.com/shop/.
The separate collection of waste electrical and electronic
equipment aims to enable the re-use, recycling and other forms
of recovery of waste equipment as well as to prevent negative
effects for the environment and human health caused by the
disposal of hazardous substances potentially contained in the
In the European Union, batteries and accumulators must not be
treated as domestic waste, but must be disposed of
professionally in accordance with Directive 2006/66/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 6September 2006
on batteries and accumulators. Please dispose of batteries and
accumulators according to the relevant legal requirements.
Declaration of conformity
The text below sets out the contents of the declaration of
conformity. The signed declaration of conformity can be found
at https://hub.trotec.com/?id=41512.
Declaration of conformity
in accordance with the ECMachinery Directive 2006/42/EC,
AnnexII, Part1, SectionA
Herewith, we– TrotecGmbH– declare that the machinery
designated below was developed, constructed and produced in
compliance with the requirements of the ECMachinery
Directive in the version 2006/42/EC.
Product model/ product: PCPS 10-16V
PCPS 11-16V
Product type: cordless compressor and
cordless air pump
Year of manufacture as of: 2020-07
Relevant EU directives:
2011/65/EU: 01/07/ 2011
2014/30/EU: 29/03/2014
Applied harmonised standards:
EN 1012-1:2010
EN ISO 12100:2010
ENISO 20607:2019
EN 60745-1:2009 / A11:2010
Applied national standards and technical specifications:
EN 55014-1:2017
EN 55014-2:2015
Manufacturer and name of the authorised representative of
the technical documentation:
Trotec GmbH
Grebbener Straße 7, D-52525 Heinsberg
Phone: +49 2452 962-400
E-mail: info@trotec.de
Place and date of issue:
Heinsberg, 31.01.2018
Detlef von der Lieck, Managing Director

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Andere handleiding(en) van Trotec PCPS 11-16V

Trotec PCPS 11-16V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Trotec PCPS 11-16V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Trotec PCPS 11-16V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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