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cordless compressor and cordless air pump PCPS 10-16V / PCPS 11-16V
Errors and faults
The device has been checked for proper functioning several
times during production. If malfunctions occur nonetheless,
check the device according to the following list.
Troubleshooting tasks which require the housing to be opened
must only be carried out by an authorized specialist electrical
company or by Trotec.
Light smoke or odour is emitted during the first use:
This is not a fault. These phenomena disappear after a
brief runtime.
The battery does not charge:
Check whether the battery is correctly connected to the
quick charger.
Slide the battery into the quick charger in a way that the
battery terminals engage in the quick charger. The battery
must lock in place in the quick charger.
Check the power connection.
Check the power cable and mains plug for damages.
Check the fuse (home).
Check the quick charger for damages. Should the quick
charger be damaged, stop using it. Contact the Trotec
customer service.
Check the battery terminals for dirt. Remove any dirt.
The battery might be defective and have to be replaced.
Only use batteries of the same type.
The device does not start:
The battery power might be too low. Recharge the battery.
Check whether the battery is correctly connected to the
Slide the battery onto the device in a way that the battery
terminals engage. The battery must lock in place in the
Check the battery terminals for dirt. Remove any dirt.
Wait for at least 10 minutes before switching the
device back on.
The device is running, but there is no apparent inflation/
Check the connections for tightness. Air might be escaping
at the valve of the inflatable object.
The device becomes hot:
The device is not suitable for continuous operation. To
prevent overheating, the device must not be used non-
stop for more than 10minutes(PCPS 10-16V) or
20minutes(PCPS 11-16V).
Should the device be overheating nonetheless, remove
the battery.
Allow the device to cool down sufficiently before
switching it back on.
Check whether the device is suitable for the tasks to be
carried out.
Keep the venting slots or air inlet and outlet clear to
prevent the motor from overheating.
Wait for at least 3 minutes after maintenance and
repair work. Only then switch the device back on.
Your device still does not operate correctly after these
Please contact the customer service. If necessary, bring the
device to an authorized specialist electrical company or to
Trotec for repair.
Activities required before starting maintenance
Warning of electrical voltage
Do not touch the mains plug or the battery with wet or
damp hands.
Switch off the device.
Allow the device to cool down completely.
Remove the battery from the device.
Warning of electrical voltage
Maintenance tasks which require the housing to be
opened must only be carried out by authorised
specialist companies or by Trotec.
Notes on maintenance
Inside the device, there are no parts that need to be maintained
or lubricated by the user.
Safety signs on the battery
Check the safety signs attached to the battery at regular
intervals. Replace illegible safety signs!
The device should be cleaned before and after each use.
The device does not have to be lubricated after

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Andere handleiding(en) van Trotec PCPS 11-16V

Trotec PCPS 11-16V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Trotec PCPS 11-16V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Trotec PCPS 11-16V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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