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Steam cleaner
Dear customer,
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing this high quality product.
Please read the instruction manual carefully so that you will be able to make
the best possible use of the appliance. This manual includes all the necessary
instructions and advice for using, cleaning and maintaining the appliance. If
you follow these instructions you will be guaranteed of an excellent result, it
saves you time and will avoid problems. We hope you will have a great deal of
pleasure from using this appliance.
Please read the instruction manual carefully before using the device.
Please keep these instructions, the guarantee certicate, the sales
receipt and, if possible, the carton with the inner packaging.
This appliance is not intended to be used by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack
of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instructions concerning the use of the appliance by a person that is
responsible for their safety.
By ignoring the safety instructions the manufacturer can not be hold
responsible for the damage.
To protect children against the dangers of an electrical appliance,
please make sure that you never leave the appliance unattended.
Therefore you have to select a storage place for the appliance where
children are not able to grab it. Make sure that the cable is not hanging
in a downward position.
This appliance is only to be used for household purposes and only for
the purpose it is made for.
The appliance must be placed on a stable, level surface. Do not use when
the appliance is fallen, if there are any signs of damage or when it leaks.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.
Never use the device unsupervised.
Check if the voltage of the appliance corresponds to the main voltage
of your home. Rated voltage: AC220-240V 50Hz. The socket must be at
least 16A or 10 A slow-protected.
This appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic
elds (EMF). If handled properly and according to the instructions
in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on scientic
evidence available today.
The ejected steam is very powerful, so make sure you do not aim at
persons, animals or delicate items.
Never move the appliance by pulling the cord and make sure the cord
can not become entangled.
Do not use this appliance outdoors.
Do not wind the cord around the appliance and do not bend it.
Allow the appliance to cool down before you clean or store it.
To protect yourself against an electric shock, do not immerse the cord,
plug or appliance in the water or any other liquid.
Unplug the appliance from the socket when changing the spare parts
or for maintenance.
Do not use this appliance with a damaged cord or plug or when the
appliance has malfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. To
avoid a hazard make sure that a damaged cord or plug will be replaced
by an authorized technician(*). Do not repair this appliance yourself.
Unplug the appliance from the socket when you are not using it.
The liquid or steam must not be directed towards equipment
containing electrical components, such as the interior of ovens.
The lling aperture must not be opened during use; the plug must be
removed from the socket-outlet before the water reservoir is lled with water.
Warning: touch or close to it shall have scald danger
* Competent qualied electrician: after sales department of the producer
or importer or any person who is qualied, approved and competent to
perform this kind of repairs in order to avoid all danger. In any case you
should return the appliance to this electrician.

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