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Before you can use the device, you must:
unpack the items supplied,
clean the device.
Keep children and animals away from the packaging material. There is
a danger of suocation!
Unpack all parts and check the scope of supply for completeness;
also check for transport damage. If you nd any damage to the
components, do not use them (!), but contact our customer service
Do not use corrosive or abrasive cleaning agents to clean the device. These
could damage the surface.
1. Press the button for unlocking the lter compartment on the side of
the device.
2. Remove thelter compartment insert together with the permanentlter.
3. Now clean the lter compartment insert and permanent lter with hot
water and a little detergent if necessary.
4. Then dry all parts thoroughly and place them in the coee machine
5. We recommend that, prior to rst use, you operate the device three
times with just water (no coee) to ush through all the lines etc.
Please ensure that you have switched on the Grind O function if you
want to ush the device with water. Before rst using the device, also
observe the notices in the "Use" chapter.
The device has no automatic water-dosing function. Therefore, ll only
as much water as you need into the water reservoir.
Make sure that the lter cover is placed on correctly as otherwise the
device will not start the brewing procedure!
Make sure that the maximum marking of the water level indication
is not exceeded when you pour water into the water reservoir of the
device. Take care when pouring in water: To make it impossible to
overll the water reservoir, there is an opening on the back of the
water reservoir from which excess water can escape.
Commissioning and making Basic Settings
1. Place the device on a level, rm and heat-resistant surface.
2. Connect the device to a mains socket that has been properly installed.
3. The preset time "12:00" will appear on the display.
4. Set the time using the Hour and Minute buttons.
Instruction manual

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