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Coee maker
Dear customer,
We are delighted that you have chosen this coee machine. With your new
coee machine, you can grind your fresh coee beans in the integrated coee
mill. We hope you have a lot of fun with your new coee machine.
Before using the device for the rst time, please read the instructions
carefully and store them in a safe place. If the device is given to
someone else, it should always be accompanied by these instructions.
The manufacturer and importer will not be hold responsible if the
directions in these instructions are not observed!
Intended use
This device is intended for preparing coee and grinding coee beans.
Use the coee mill only to grind coee beans. The device is not
intended for grinding food other than coee.
The device is not designed to be operated with an external timer or a
separate remote control system.
This device is for personal use only and is not intended for commercial
The device must only be used as described in the operating
instructions. Any other use is deemed to be improper.
Danger of Injury
Please keep the packaging and the device out of the reach of children
and pets.
This device should not be used by people (including children) with
impaired sensory or mental faculties or who do not have adequate
experience and/or knowledge of such devices, unless they are
supervised by a person responsible for their safety, or have received
instructions from such a person on how to use the device.
Children must be supervised in order to ensure that they do not play
with the device.
Danger of scalding! Hot steam will emerge from the ventilation
opening during use. Avoid coming into contact with hot steam.
Danger of burns! Parts of the product (e. g. hotplate and glass pot) will
become very hot during use. Avoid coming into contact with hot parts
of the device.
Damage to health as a result of contamination! Clean the device before
using it for the rst time. It is possible that manufacturing residues
may still be adhering to the surfaces. It is essential that you follow the
cleaning instructions as explained in the "Care and Descaling" chapter.
Setup and connection
Use only indoors, in dry areas and not near a sink, for example.
Always place the device on a dry, level, rm and heat-resistant surface.
Maintain a sucient distance from heat sources such as hobs or ovens
in order not to damage the device.
The device should only be connected to a properly installed socket
with earthing contacts.
The socket must also be readily accessible after connection. The mains
voltage must be the same as that stated in the technical data of the
device. Only use suitable extension cables whose technical data is the
same as that of the device.
Ensure that it is not possible for others to trip over the connected mains
cable. Do not allow the cable to hang over the edge of tables or kitchen
counters. Others may become caught and pull the device down.
Position the cable in such a way that it does not become squashed or
bent and does not come into contact with hot surfaces.

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