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(xliv) At the end of the day the bowl must be emptied and thoroughly cleaned for hygienic reasons.
5.1 Safety Precautions
(xvi) Read the user manual carefully before using the hot chocolate dispenser.
(xvii) Only connect the hot chocolate dispenser to an earthed wall outlet.
(xviii) Do not connect the hot chocolate dispenser via extension cable.
(xix) Keep the bowl clean during operation.
(xx) Always switch the chocolate dispenser off and disconnect from mains power supply before
opening, cleaning and maintenance.
Do NOT operate the device with empty bowl.
Do NOT operate the device without liquid in the bowl.
Do NOT remove the bowl from the device before the hot plate has completely cooled down.
Do NOT remove the bowl from the base if it still contains hot product.
Place the device on a level surface.
5.2 Cleaning and Disinfecting
Cleaning and disinfecting is essential to avoid bacterial contamination and to keep the perfect taste and
maximum performance of your dispenser. The following instructions are kept in general terms. All
remaining hot chocolate must be removed from the hot chocolate dispenser before cleaning and
5.2.1 Disassembly Instructions
Always disconnect from mains power supply before dissembling the device.
(xix) Remove the lid for cleaning, if necessary. Loosen the screw and remove the disc with the aroma
vents. Take care not to lose the screw.
(xx) Turn the stirring unit clockwise to remove it from the center axis (see Figure 3).
(xxi) Take the bowl out of the dispenser.
(xxii) Remove the tap by pulling out the pin (see Figure 4).
Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
(xxiii) Draw the base out of the bowl to remove the rubber sealing ring (see Figure 5) and the base in
the direction of the arrow (see Figure 6).
(xxiv) Remove the grating of the drip pan and then the drip pan, as shown in Figure 7.

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