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If no one seems to serve the ice cream or turn off the machine in 10 minutes, it automatically enters into a “Extended
Cooling Function to keep the ice cream not defrosted.
Extended Cooling Function
The machine runs the COOLING function(no mixing) for 10 minutes in every other 10 minutes, totally 1 hour, then
returns to the initial default status(Electrified but no operation).
[Caution]: Always remember to unplug from outlet when you serve the finished ice cream to avoid an electric shock.
Adjusting Operations
Break off Operation: You can stop the machine by pressing the [START/STOP] Button for 3 seconds, or pressing
the [Power] button for one time whenever the machine is running.
Operating Time Adjusting(In Operation): Whenever the machine is running, you can add the operating time by
repeatedly pressing the [TIMER] Button, 5 minutes added each pressing till it reaches the maximum 60 minutes
displayed on the LCD. The time can only be increased but can not be reduced.
Adding Time Operation (After Operating Time Finished)
When the preset time (60 minutes etc.) finishes and the machine stops and returns to the initial default statues, if
you like a harder consistency, you can once again select an operating time (10/20/30/40/50/60 minutes) by pressing
[TIMER] button, then again press the [START/STOP] button in turn, the machine will continue to run down the time
you selected and then stops and again enters into the Extended Cooling Function” to keep the ice cream not
Controlling the Volume of the Ingredients
To avoid overflow and waste, please make sure that the ingredients do not exceed 80% of capacity of the removable
bowl(Ice cream expands when being formed)
Remove finished ice cream into another container using a plastic scoop or a wooden spoon, do not use a metal
scoop avoiding scratch on the inside removable bowl.
This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes
throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled
waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To return
your used device, please use the return and collection systems or contact the retailer where the
product was purchased. They can take this product for environmental safe recycling.

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  • de compressor werkt perfect,maar het apparaat koelt onvoldoende. Wellicht is er gas weg. Hoe kan ik dit aanvullen? Gesteld op 3-8-2020 om 11:16

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