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VI. Others
1. Specifications
If you have any queries about this TOYOTA sewing machine, check the warranty for details.
2. Recycling
We are committed to the protection of the environment. We strive to minimize the environmental
impact of our products by continuously improving product design and our manufacturing meth-
At end of life please dispose of this product in an environmentally responsible way.
The crossed-out wheelie bin symbol featured above and on the product's data-plate means that this
product falls under the scope of the E.U. "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment" (WEEE) directive
and "Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment"
(ROHS) directive and should not be disposed of with your household waste. At end of life, you must en-
sure that this product is disposed of in accordance with national and local legislation and that it is sorted
as Category 2 "Small Domestic Appliances" WEEE. You may be liable under local and national laws for
improper disposal of this product. Please consult the web, or a competent national or local body, for the
return and collections systems available to you and the locations of your nearest recycling points.
As an individual you can make a positive impact on reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of
WEEE. This will reduce use of landfill and minimize the environmental impact of the products you use.
Hazardous substances in electronic and electrical products can have a harmful impact on human health
and on the environment.
Model RS2000-SDU Type
Hook type Vertical, oscillating hook
Needle Home-use sewing machine needle (HA-1)
Bobbin TOYOTA-exclusive plastic bobbin
Maximum stitch length 5 mm
Maximum stitch width 5 mm
Standard needle position Center standard, left standard
Sewing machine weight (main unit) 6.3 kg
Sewing machine size
Width: 419 mm
Depth: 166 mm
Height: 293 mm
Rated voltage 220 to 230 V
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated power consumption 70 W
Light bulb 15 W

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Andere handleiding(en) van Toyota CU16

Toyota CU16 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 54 pagina's

Toyota CU16 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 54 pagina's

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