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User Guide
(see front cover)
2.1. Removing/Installing the Belt Clip
1. To remove the clip from the unit, push up on the belt clip (2) while pulling
the clip tab (1).
2. When re-installing the belt clip, a click indicates the BeltClip is locked into
2.2. Battery Installation
1. Remove the belt clip (2).
2. Pull the Battery Cover Tab (4) and remove the Battery Cover (3).
3. Install four ‘AAA’ alkaline or rechargeable batteries following the polarity as
4. Re-install the Battery Cover (3) and Belt Clip (2).
1. Microphone
2. Monitor button
3. Talk button
4. Call button
5. Ear/mic/charger
6. Antenna
7. LCD display
8. Up/Down button
9. Menu/Lock button
10.On/Off button
11.Scan button
a. RX icon. Displayed when receiving a signal.
b. TX icon. Displayed when transmitting a signal.
c. Displays the current VOLUME LEVEL.
d. CTCSS code. Changes from 1 to 38 as selected
by user.
e. Displayed during the CHANNEL SCAN mode.
f. Displays during the VOX mode.
g. Button lock symbol
h. The current battery level charge.
i. Channel number. Changes from 1-8 as selected
by user.
4.1. Turning the Unit ON/OFF
To activate; press and hold the POWER button ( ) . The unit will “beep” and
the LCD Screen will display the current channel.
To switch off; press and hold the POWER ( ) button again. The unit will “beep”
and the LCD Screen will turn blank.
4.2. Adjusting Speaker Volume.
The Speaker Volume can be adjusted using / . The Speaker Volume level
is displayed on the LCD(see §3)
4.3. Receiving a Signal
The unit is continuously in the RECEIVE mode when the unit is ON and not
transmitting. When you receive a signal on the current channel, the RX icon is
displayed (see §3)
4.4. Transmitting a Signal
1. Press and hold the PTT button to TRANSMIT.
2. Hold the unit in a vertical position with the MICROPHONE 5 cm from the
mouth and speak into the microphone.
3. Release the PTT button when you have finished transmitting.
NOTE: To check the channel activity; press and hold the MONITOR button.
You’ll hear static if the channel is unoccupied. Don’t TRANSMIT if someone is
talking on the channel.
IMPORTANT: In order for other people to receive your transmission, they must
also be on the same channel and have set the CTCSS code you are currently
using. Refer to the ‘Changing Channels’
5.1. Changing Channels
The PMRS has 8 available channels.
To change channels:
1. Press the MENU button ( ) once, the current channel number flashes on
the LCD Screen.
2. Press the UP ( ) or DOWN button ( ) to change the channel.
3. Press the MENU button ( ) to confirm the channel selection and go to
CTCSS SUB-CHANNEL SELECTION mode, or press the TALK button to
select the desired channel and return to NORMAL mode.
5.2. CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System)
The 2 digit CTCSS code corresponds to a specific tone frequency the radio
emits. Two users, with the same channel and CTCSS set can hear one
another.They will
be able to hear anyone else on the channel unless the
other radios have the same exact CTCSS code enabled.
The Twintalker 3500 has 38 CTCSS codes available.
1. Press the MENU button ( ) twice, the CTCSS code will flash
2. Press the UP ( ) or DOWN button ( ) to move to another code.
3. Press the TALK button to confirm your selection and return to the NORMAL
4. To confirm and shift to the next option, press the MENU button .
Note: Any PMR set on the same channel can receive and listen to the
conversation, also when the other use a CTCSS code.
5.3. Monitor
You can use the MONITOR feature to check for weaker signals in the current
• Press the MONITOR button ( ) for normal monitoring.
• Press and hold the MONITOR button ( ) until it “beeps” for continuous

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