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charging your monitor before rst use:
The parent unit is supplied with rechargeable batteries 2 x AAA (LR3) that should be inserted before use.
To insert batteries, open the battery casing with a screwdriver. Insert the supplied 2 x AAA (LR3)
rechargeable batteries. Take extra care to ensure that the batteries are inserted correctly and the right
way round. Refit the battery casing securely with a screwdriver.
DO NOT use non-rechargeable batteries.
Place the parent unit on the docking station and recharge for 10 hours before use.
The charging icon on the LCD will show the charging status.
Turn on the parent unit by pressing the POWER key (12) for 3 seconds.
The docking station will light red to show that the parent unit is securely docked on the station and
connection is good.
Turn off the parent unit by pressing the power key (12) for 5 seconds.
The baby unit does not require batteries if powered from the mains.
If mains usage is not available, the baby unit will operate on batteries 4 x AA (LR6), which are not supplied.
To insert batteries, open the battery casing with a screwdriver. Insert 4 x AA (LR6) batteries (rechargeable
or non-rechargeable, but not mixed) and close casing securely with screwdriver. Take extra care to
ensure that the batteries are inserted correctly and the right way round.
There is NO charging function on the baby unit for rechargeable batteries.
The screen will illuminate on the baby unit when switched on.
The battery icons will indicate if the battery is low.
Battery power is disconnected automatically when the mains adaptor is in use. If the adaptor is turned
off at the mains and still remains connected to the monitor then the batteries will be automatically activated.
When the baby unit is connected to the power supply, the LCD backlight will be on. With battery power
only, the LCD backlight will last only approx. 20 seconds.
Turn on the baby unit by pressing the POWER key (1).
correct use of batteries
Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the baby unit before being charged.
Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.
Different types of batteries or new and used batteries
are not to be mixed.
Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as
recommended are to be used.
Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity.
Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the
CAUTION: risk of severe malfunction if battery is
replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used
batteries according to the instructions.
setting up your baby unit
Connect the mains adaptor into a nearby wall socket
in your baby’s nursery and switch on the power at
the mains.
Press and hold (1) for 3 seconds until the LCD/Power
LED illuminates.
testing the parent unit
First ensure that the baby unit has been set up and is working
correctly following the previous instructions.
To test the parent unit you must ensure that it is at least 5 metres
away from the baby unit.
Place a sound source such as a radio in the nursery at least 1 to
1.5 metres away from the baby unit, close the nursery door and
go to another room.
Set up the parent unit in the docking station.
Turn on the power (12) and adjust the volume up (13a) or down
(13b) to a comfortable level.
You will hear sounds from your nursery and some of the sound
lights (A-E) will come on. The louder the sound the more lights
will come on.
Lift the parent unit from the docking station and walk around
your house and garden, ensuring that you can hear the sounds
from the baby unit at all times. The monitor will work up to a distance range of 300 metres
approximately. Depending on the surrounding conditions as well as spatial and structural factors, the
range may be reduced. The range indoors is normally less than outdoors.
If you lose the signal from the baby unit an alert tone will be emitted from the parent unit every 10
seconds and the LCD will flash until the link is restored. The LCD will show 'No Link'. If this
happens, move closer to the baby unit.
setting up your parent unit
Connect the mains adaptor into a nearby wall socket.
Press and hold (12) for 3 seconds until the LCD/Power LED illuminates.
A link will now be made between the parent unit and baby unit.
WARNING about using the baby unit!
The baby unit should be 1 to 1.5 metres away from the baby’s cot on a at surface.
Never place the baby unit in the baby’s cot.
WARNING about the danger of cords:
STRANGULATION HAZARD! - Keep cords out of the reach of children.
Do not use with an extension cord.
Check immediately the location of corded monitors to make sure cords are out of arms reach of your
baby and other young children.
Place cords more than a metre away from any part of the cot. The monitor must not be used in any other
sleep environment.
Check the location of the monitor periodically, as what is within arms reach to a baby will change as the
baby grows.
Make sure the sensor cords are taut and not dangling to reduce the strangulation hazard.
Do not place furniture or other obstructions on the adaptor cords and be sure to posistion them so that
nobody can trip over them.
Keep adaptor cords away from hot surfaces such as radiators and central heating pipes.
Be careful not to posistion the adaptor where a child might try to step on it.
Never use Tommee Tippee monitor adaptors with any other equipment. Nor should you use any other
adaptors with your Tommee Tippee monitor.
Please note that the adaptors become warm
in use - this is quite normal and not a hazard.
The adaptors convert your AC power to safe
low DC voltage.
Use the power adaptor provided.
S004LB0600045 or S004LV0600045
100 - 240V~ 50/60Hz 150mA
6V - 450mA

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