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Before you start2.
Installing the Dash Dock
Use the Dash Dock to install your Blue&Me-TomTom navigation device inside the car.
To attach the Dash Dock, insert the base of the dock into the dash plug on the car dash-
To insert your navigation device into the dock, push the button on the front of the dock to
open the top bracket. Place the bottom of the device into the dock and then push the top
bracket of the dock down until it clicks into place. Rotate your device to a position that suits
you best.
To remove the navigation device, press the button on the front of the dock and lift the nav-
igation device out.
To release the dock from the dashboard, push the lower button on each side of the shaft
and pull out the dock.
Switching on and off
To switch on your navigation device manually, press and hold the On/Off button until you
see the start-up screen. The first time you switch on your navigation device, it may take a
short time to start.
With the latest version of the application for your Blue&Me-TomTom, your navigation
device starts automatically as soon as it is powered by the dock. You can update the appli-
cation using TomTom HOME.
To set up your navigation device you need to answer a few questions by tapping the
screen. You then need to connect your navigation device to Blue&Me in your car.
Note: Your dealer may have connected your navigation device to Blue&Me for you. If this
is the case, you can already start using your device.
Device not starting
In rare cases, your Blue&Me-TomTom navigation device may not start correctly or may
stop responding to your taps.
First, check that the battery is properly charged. It can take up to 2 hours to fully charge
the battery.
If this does not solve the problem, you can reset the device. To do this, press and hold the
On/Off button for 15 seconds and release the button when your device begins to restart.
GPS reception
When you first start your Blue&Me-TomTom navigation device, the device may need a few
minutes to determine your GPS position and show your current position on the map. In
future, your position will be found much faster, usually within a few seconds.

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Andere handleiding(en) van TomTom Blue and Me

TomTom Blue and Me Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 84 pagina's

TomTom Blue and Me Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 86 pagina's

TomTom Blue and Me Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 85 pagina's

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