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Mounting your device in your car
Make sure that both the mount and your windscreen are clean and dry before you attach
the mount. Place the device so that it does not interfere with your view of the road or of
any of the controls in your car.
To attach the mount, press the suction cup firmly against the windscreen on an area where
the glass is flat. Then twist the grip on the base of the mount in a clockwise direction until
you hear a click.
Plug the cable into your car dashboard and connect the other end to the connector on the
back of your device.
Switching on and off
To switch on your navigation device, press and hold the On/Off button until you see the
start-up screen. The first time you switch on your device, it may take a short time to start.
Setting up
Important: Take care to select the correct language, since the language you choose will
be used for all text on the screen.
When you first switch on your device, you have to answer a few questions to set up the
device. Answer the questions by tapping the screen.
GPS reception
When you first start your TomTom GO navigation device, the device may need a few min-
utes to determine your GPS position and show your current position on the map. In future,
your position will be found much faster, usually within a few seconds.
To ensure good GPS reception, you should use your device outdoors. Large objects such
as tall buildings can sometimes interfere with reception.
Micro-SD card slot
Your TomTom GO navigation device includes a micro-SD card slot so you can add extra
storage memory to your device. You can use a micro-SD card to store extra maps to use
in your device.
The micro-sd card slot is located under a cover on the side of the device.
About MyTomTom
MyTomTom helps you manage the contents, maps and services of your TomTom GO nav-
igation device, as well as giving you access to the TomTom community. It is a good idea

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