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· Kompakt 30
The subwoofer does not kick in when it is in
Auto/Standby mode – or it shuts off again
too quickly”
Check the bass level setting in the AV receiver's
Speaker/Bass Management section. This should be
between +4 dB and the maximum setting. In com-
bination with the Auto/Standby mode, this set-
ting effectively determines when the subwoofer
is activated the higher the receiver's bass level,
the sooner the subwoofer responds. Also, make
sure that the POWER switch on the subwoofer's
rear panel is set to Auto”.
“One of the satellite speakers is silent or dis-
torted, but all the other speakers sound ne”
In order to locate the exact source of the prob-
lem, exchange the malfunctioning speaker with
one of the functioning speakers. This will tell you
whether the fault lies with the speaker itself, or
with the AV receiver or speaker cable. If the spea-
ker in question works fine when it is connected to
another surround channel, the fault is most likely
with the receiver. If the speaker does not work on
the other surround channels either, this indicates
a fault with the speaker.
The subwoofer is silent,
but all the other speakers are working”
You can check the subwoofer itself by connecting
it directly to a separate source, e.g., a mobile CD
player (connect to the subwoofer's Line Input R).
If the subwoofer outputs a bass signal from the
CD source, this indicates there is a fault with your
system's connections. Either the cinch cable is
defective, or the subwoofer output of your ampli-
fier/receiver is not working.
You can also try the following method: Turn the
subwoofer volume level all the way down, unplug
the subwoofer's cinch cable from the amplifier/
receiver, turn up the subwoofer's volume slightly
and touch the tip of the cinch connector with
your finger. If this produces a hum or crackle,
the fault is with the amplifier/receiver or its set-
tings. If the subwoofer remains completely silent,
please contact our support team.
“When I play back stereo sources such as music
CDs, the subwoofer isn't working”
The Kompakt 30 loudspeaker set is a playback sys-
tem only – it does not feature a surround sound
decoder. The distribution of audio signals to sur-
ound channels depends on the settings of the ex-
ternal decoder. This decoder is usually integrated
into the AV receiver's software.
If, for example, your stereo signal is only playing
back on the two front satellite speakers, this in-
dicates that either the receiver is set up incor-
rectly or that it does not provide stereo decod-
The Kompakt 30 loudspeakers have no influence
on this they simply play back what they are sent
from the individual speaker outputs of the re-
These outputs are controlled by the receiver's in-
ternal software.
If there is a fault with the receiver, please contact
the manufacturer's customer support team for
Problems & solutions
If you have any questions, suggestions
or criticisms, please contact our support team:
LautsprecherTeufel GmbH
Bülowstraße 66
10783 Berlin (Germany)
Ph.: +49(30) 30 09 30 0
Fax: +49(30) 30 09 30 30
No responsibility can be accepted for the correctness of this
Subject to technical changes. Errors and omissions excepted.

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