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· Kompakt 30
What the icons mean
The lightning/arrow symbol
inside an equilateral triangle
informs the user about the
possibility of a dangerous,
non-isolated electrical
current inside the device
housing, indicating the risk
of electrical shock.
The exclamation mark within
the equilateral triangle,
which can be seen on the
back of the unit, indicates
that there is important
operating and service infor-
mation for the user to read.
This product complies with
the following European Union
89/336E WG and 73/23 EWG.
The “wastebin” symbol
printed on the type plates
and amplier labels of our
products signies that
Lautsprecher Teufel ensures
the proper disposal of its sold
loudspeakers and subwoof-
ers according to Germany's
Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Act.
Power mains (bottom)
Switch to “ON” to power up the subwoofer; switch
to “OFF” to power it down.
Power function (top)
Switch to “ON” to activate the subwoofer; switch
to “OFF” to deactivate it. AUTO” means that the
subwoofer is operational but is only activated
once it receives an audio signal. In “AUTO” mode,
the subwoofer automatically switches to standby
after 20 minutes of inactivity.
This switch determines the phase relationship be-
tween the subwoofer and the front/centre speak-
ers. If the subwoofer and the front speakers are
roughly on the same axis, set the PHASE switch to
“0°”, otherwise set it to “180°”.
between the subwoofers bass signal and
the bass frequencies of the other speakers.
If your AV receiver provides user configuration
settings, set the receiver's crossover frequency
to 120 Hz and turn the subwoofer's frequency
control to maximum (hard right).
This controls the subwoofer's volume.
Connect the cinch cable coming from the re-
ceiver's Sub Out to the subwoofer's Line Input. In
most cases, this is a mono signal; plug the cable
into “R” and ignore “L.
Subwoofer controls
This product complies with
DIN EN 61140 (VDE 0140-1)
and IEC 60417 of protection
class II. It only requires a two-
pin round plug (included) and
not an earthed plug. The plug
has a reinforced or
double-shielded casing to pre-
vent electrical shock.
The separating equipment of this equipment is
the mains plug, this separating equipment must
be usable without difficulties.
Use this control to set the crossover frequency

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