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· Kompakt 30
About this document
The information in this document is subject to
change without warning. Lautsprecher Teufel
GmbH is in no way bound by the information pro-
vided herein.
No section of this document may be reproduced
or copied by any electronic or mechanical means,
including photocopying and recording, without
prior written consent from Lautsprecher Teufel
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH
Version 1.2
March 2009
® All registered trademarks remain the
propertyof their respectiveowners.
If you have any questions, suggestions or criti-
cisms, please contact our support team:
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH
Gewerbehof Bülowbogen · Bülowstraße 66
10783 Berlin (Germany)
Ph.: +49(30) - 30 09 300
Fax:+49(30) - 30 09 30 30
Terms of warranty
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH provides a twelve-year
warranty for loudspeakers and a two-year warran-
ty for amplifiers and electrical components, start-
ing at the purchase date. The warranty covers all
materials and time needed. The warranty does not
cover devices damaged as a result of improper
use or electrical/mechanical overloading. The
original Teufel invoice is your proof of warranty.
This warranty applies exclusively to loudspeakers,
amplifiers and electronic components purchased
by consumers from Teufel for private usage. The
warranty does not apply to loudspeakers, ampli-
fiers and electronic components sold to consum-
ers through third-party dealers. For third-party
products supplied together with the Teufel sys-
tem, the terms of warranty of the manufacturer
in question apply. When Teufel products are resold
privately, the warranty may be transferred to the
new owner. For this, the new owner requires the
original Teufel invoice.
Returns policy
Teufel provides an eight-week right of return with
a money-back guarantee.
You may only return individual components from a
set if Teufel offers these components for sale sep-
arately. If you return one or more individual com-
ponents from a set, this voids the discount that
Teufel provides on the sale of components as a set.
This means that for individually returned compo-
nents from a set, you will be refunded the differ-
ence between the set price and the sum purchase
price of the individual components you decide to
keep, i.e., we will deduct the discount that applies
to set purchases.
For further information on returns, please refer
to the returns form provided with your shipment
(or online at www.teufel.eu in the support section).
If you decide to return any or all of the purchased
goods, please always contact us first.
Note that we can only process and accept re-
turned goods if you have telephoned us in
advance and discussed the required returns
Please take note of the following guidelines to
protect your Teufel loudspeakers:
Ě Avoid placing the speaker cabinets in direct
Ě Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations and
protect your loudspeakers against humidity.
Ě When cleaning the speaker cabinets, only use
dry or moist cloths. Never use abrasive or alcohol-
based cleaning products. If you need to clean a
speaker membrane, do so very carefully using a
dry cloth.
Technical specifications
All technical specifications are listed on our web-
site at www.teufel.eu
We do not provide
packaging boxes separately.
We recommend that you hold
on to the packaging of all your
new Teufel products, as we only
accept loudspeakers back within
the initial eight-week return
period if they are shipped in their

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