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on the vehicle battery.
- Then connect the black clamp (-) to a non-movable
metal part of the engine; do not connect the clamp to
the negative terminal of the battery.
These symbols warn operators that,
if the RED LIGHT comes on (Fig. A-1)
and the buzzer is triggered, this
In these circumstances NEVER
switch on the starter, and remove the cables
Make sure the vehicle battery and starter battery
polarities are correct before making the connections
described above.
- If there is no acoustic warning signal and the red light
is OFF, turn starter switch (Fig. C) to 12V or 24V (if
available) according to the voltage required by the
vehicle to be started.
- Turn the ignition switch or key of the vehicle or boat to
ON. Wait for about one minute. Turn the vehicle ignition
to the start position for no more than 3÷4 seconds. If the
vehicle or boat does not start, wait at least 3 minutes
before trying again.
Attention: do not allow the black and red
clamps to come into contact with each other
or to touch a common conductor.
While the engine is running, follow the whole sequence of
instructions below with great care:
1. Switch off the starter: switch to OFF position.
2. Disconnect the black (negative) clamp from the
3. Disconnect the red (positive) clamp from the vehicle.
4. Return the clamps to their housing.
It is highly recommended to recharge the starter as soon
as possible.
- Take the cover off the cigar-lighter type socket (Fig.
- Insert the cigar-lighter plug of the device to be powered
into the socket (Fig. A-2).
Important! To protect the battery and lengthen its
working life, charge it for 12 hours before using it for
any case, at least every 3 months.
The unit can be recharged using a 230VAC power supply
(using the power supply adapter supplied) or using
a 12VDC power supply. We recommend keeping the
battery fully charged at all times. A low charge level could
shorten the life of the battery. Bear in mind that the time
needed to recharge the battery depends on the number
of times it has been used as a starter. To check whether
the battery needs recharging, press the switch seen in
The three LED’s seen in Fig. A-4 indicate the charge
status of the battery, with the following meanings:
: the battery is very at;
: the battery is at;
: the battery is fully charged.
The red “Charging” LED (Fig. A-5) will light up when unit
is being charged.
The yellow “Remove Charger” LED (Fig. A-6) will light
up when unit is being charged to indicate that the control
device that protects the adaptor or batter has been
triggered. It is recommended to disconnect the adaptor
jack from the recharger socket.
Recharging using a 230V AC power supply
adapter only!
1- To start with, insert the power supply adaptor plug
(Fig. B-7) into a 230V AC socket.
Then insert the relative output plug (Fig. B-8) into the
charger socket.
2- Check the switch in g.C is in the OFF position.
3- The “Charging” LED comes on and the starter is in
recharge mode. The starter is tted with a control
device to prevent overcharging the battery and
adaptor. Leave the system to recharge for as long as
N.B.: to check the battery level disconnect the
LED’s seen in Fig. A-4 indicate the charge status of
the battery, with the meanings indicated above.
Recharging onboard the vehicle using 12VDC power
ATTENTION:Recharge the batterywhenthe
vehicle is running.
1- Check the switch in g.C is in the OFF position.
2- Insert the cigar-lighter plug of the supplied cable
(Fig. B-10) into the socket onboard the car or boat.
3- Insert the jack (Fig. B-9) of the supplied cable into
the recharger socket on the starter (Fig. A-7).
NOTE: this function is used to keep the charge level of
the starter as high as possible whilst travelling and may
not allow complete recharging.
When the starter battery is completely run down it should
be taken to a re-cycling depot. In some countries this is
mandatory. Contact the local special refuse authority for
information on recycling.
WARNING: Do not burn the battery to dispose of it.
This could cause an explosion. Before disposing of the
battery, apply insulating tape to the bare terminals to
prevent shorting. Do not expose the battery to intense
heat or re as this could cause an explosion.
Type of battery:
- Rechargeable factory-sealed 12V acid-lead battery.
Battery capacity:
- 34Ah
Output current.
- 1800A peak current;
Copper cables:
- PVC-insulated
Cable length:
- 100cm
Pilot lamp:

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  • hij laad niet op nieuwe oplader ook niet zit er ergens een zekering verstopt apparaat is nog geen 3 jaar oud en slechts 4 a 6 keer gebruikt Gesteld op 3-1-2022 om 15:31

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