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This product is repairable by TEFAL/T-FAL*, during and after the guarantee period.
Accessories, consumables and end-user replaceable parts can be purchased, if locally available, as described
on the TEFAL/T-FAL internet site www.tefal.com
The Guarantee**
TEFAL/T-FAL guarantees this product against any manufacturing defect in materials or
workmanship during the guarantee period within those countries*** as stated in the attached
country list, starting from the initial date of purchase or delivery date. The international
manufacturer’s guarantee covers all costs related to restoring the proven defective product
so that it conforms to its original specifications, through the repair or replacement of any
defective part and the necessary labour. At TEFAL/T-FAL’s choice, a replacement product may
be provided instead of repairing a defective product. TEFAL/T-FAL’s sole obligation and your
exclusive resolution under this guarantee are limited to such repair or replacement.
Conditions & Exclusions
TEFAL/T-FAL shall not be obliged to repair or replace any product which is not accompanied by
a valid proof of purchase. The product can be taken directly in person or must be adequately
packaged and returned, by recorded delivery (or equivalent method of postage), to a
TEFAL/T-FAL authorised service centre. Full address details for each country’s authorised
service centres are listed on TEFAL/T-FAL website (www.tefal.com) or by calling the appropriate
consumer Service centre set out in the attached country list. In order to offer the best possible
after-sales service and constantly improve customer satisfaction, TEFAL/T-FAL may send a
satisfaction survey to all customers who have had their product repaired or exchanged in a
TEFAL/T-FAL authorised service centre.
This guarantee applies only for products purchased and used for domestic purposes and
will not cover any damage which occurs as a result of misuse, negligence, failure to follow
TEFAL/T-FAL instructions, or a modification or unauthorised repair of the product, faulty
packaging by the owner or mishandling by any carrier. It also does not cover normal wear and
tear, maintenance or replacement of consumable parts, or the following:
using the wrong type of water or
ingress of water, dust or insects into
the product (excluding appliances with
features specifically designed for insects)
scaling (any de-scaling must be carried
out according to the instructions for use)
damage to any glass or porcelain ware in
the product
damages or poor results specifically
due to wrong voltage or frequency
as stamped on the product ID or
mechanical damages, overloading
damage as a result of lightning or power
accidents including fire, flood, etc
professional or commercial use

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Andere handleiding(en) van Tefal AH960 - ACTIFRY GENIUS XL

Tefal AH960 - ACTIFRY GENIUS XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Tefal AH960 - ACTIFRY GENIUS XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

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