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Troubleshooting guide
Before requesting service, make the below checks. If you cant fix the system as described below, or if something not listed here occurs, refer to
the enclosed directory to locate an Authorized Service Center convenient to you or contact your dealer.
Reference pages are shown as black circled numbers
Common problems
Cannot adjust the bass or treble.
No sound.
Sounds unfixed, reversed or
come from one speaker only.
Noise is heard.
“ERROR” is displayed.
“U70” is displayed
“F61” is displayed.
No power.
The clock isn’t displayed.
The timers don’t work.
No sound or distorted sound.
Turn the volume up.
The speaker cords may be shorted. Turn the unit off, check and correct the connections and turn the
unit on. i
Check the speaker connections. i
Separate the AC mains lead from the surround cable. The units other cords should also be kept
away from AC mains leads, fluorescent lights and other appliances.
If possible in your area, turn the AC mains leads plug or connector over to reverse the leads
polarity. This can improve the sound quality.
Incorrect operation performed. Read the instructions and try again.
Connect the flat cables firmly. If U70 remains on the display, contact the dealer.
There is a problem with the amplifier. Consult your dealer.
The clock is displayed for about five seconds when you press [CLOCK/TIMER].
The play and record timers do not work if the unit is on. #8 #9
Ensure the indicator for the timer is on before you turn the unit off.
The display is wrong or play
wont start.
The DVD player
Dirt on the disc may be preventing the unit from reading it. Clean the disc.ERROR DISC
A problem has occurred. Turn the unit off then on again. Consult your dealer if the display isnt
F and a number is displayed.
Check the settings and connections on the television. !5
No video or the size of the picture
is unusual.
Picture is disrupted.
Some discs prohibit certain operations.The unit doesnt respond when
buttons are pressed.
Play fails to start or stops soon
after starting.
You have forgotten your ratings
Reset the unit to its original
factory settings.
Do the following to restore the unit to the condition it was in at the time of shipment. This clears the
ratings settings.
While pressing [g] on the DVD player, press and hold [10/-/--] on the remote control until the
message Initialized disappears from the television screen.
Depending on the type of television you have connected, the picture may be distorted in the following
1) You switched the source from DVD to another source.
2) You pressed [q] to start play of a disc while another source was selected.
This unit cannot decode DTS signals.No sound when playing DTS.
Check all connections.
Check the speaker settings and digital audio output settings. $4 $7
Turn V.S.S. off. @3
You cannot adjust the tone while CINEMA BASS or VGCA is on. Turn them off. #6
You have inserted a disc that this unit cannot play. t
The DVD-Video exceeds the ratings level you have set. Unlock the player. $5
This unit cannot play discs other than those specified.
Clean the disc if it is dirty. t
Ensure the label is facing up. !6
Ensure the AC mains lead and flat cables are connected correctly. i
The disc may be upside down. !6
Wipe the disc.
Replace the disc if it is scratched, warped, or nonstandard. t
Condensation may have formed in the player due to a sudden change in temperature. Wait about an
hour for it to clear and try again.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technics SCHDV600

Technics SCHDV600 Snelstart handleiding - English - 4 pagina's

Technics SCHDV600 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 52 pagina's

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