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Contrast: Select “Contrast”. Press MENU to enter “Contrast”.
Firmware version:
FAQ (Frequency Asked Questions)
Cannot turn on the device: Check the capacity of the battery. Connect USB
cable or charger and try to turn on the device again. Check whether the battery is
inserted correctly.
Bad FM Radio signal: Adjust the direction and placement of the device. Pull the
audio cable longer. Check whether there is interference from electronic equipment
Display shows garbage: Check whether the correct language is been chosen.
Technical Specifications
/ Power
32 x 22mm / Lithium battery (built-in) with 4000mAh
~ 10 hrs. (medium volume, display shows No. 19)
Charging time
~ 6 hours
FM (play Line-IN with
FM radio)
Receiving frequency range 87.5–108MHz (normal band)
Station No. 20 / 20
Signal Noise Ratio > 45dB
Music format
Weight / Dimensions
864 g / 24,5 x 11,0 x 10,0 cm
Accessories: Line-IN cable, Power adapter AC 220V/2A, Strap for the shoulder (to
fix on device), User manual
Security and Disposal Hints for Batteries: Hold children off batteries. When a child
swallowed a battery go to a doctors place or bring the child into a hospital promptly! Never
short, open, deform or load up batteries! Risk of injury! Never throw batteries into fire! Risk
of explosion!
Hints for Environment Protection: Packages materials are raw materials and can
be recycled. Do not disposal old devices or batteries into the domestic waste.
Cleaning: Protect the device from contamination and pollution (use a clean drapery).
Avoid using rough, coarse-grained materials/solvents/other aggressive cleaner. Wipe
the cleaned device. Important Notice: Should battery fluid leak from a battery, wipe
the battery-case with a soft cloth dry. Distributor: Technaxx Deutschland GmbH &
Co.KG, Kruppstr. 105, 60388 Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Alarm Volume: Press or to adjust volume.
Press MENU to confirm and exit.
Press MENU to confirm and exit to System Settings.
Display version information. Press MENU to exit.
Press or to adjust the backlight parameter.
Press MENU to confirm and exit.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technaxx MusicMan GIANT Soundstation

Technaxx MusicMan GIANT Soundstation Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

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