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FMT100 Transmitter
(MP3 Player)
User Manual
Declaration of Conformity: www.technaxx.de/ (in bottom bar “Konformitätserklärung”)
Before using the device the first time, read the user manual carefully.
Supplys SD cards (up to 4GB). USB input and audio jack to read SD cards
directly (USB) and to connect it with MP3 devices
Supplys MP3 and WMA format
Directly reading of data from SD cards or through USB port
LED display shows frequency information
Full frequencies clooseable (87.5 – 108.0 MHz)
Frequency and songs memory function
Save transmitting frequency and broadcast
Rotating shaft for convenient usage
Restored last frequency, track number and volume by restart.
1. Insert transmitter to 12V car cigarette socket power.
1.1. You take a normal SD card or a USB flash drive and copy the MP3 files
from the PC directly on the memory media.
Do not (!) create folders, only copy the music files.
1.2. Search for a free frequency in the car radio (means you hear a hissing
and no radio) and save this frequency on one of the storage spaces of the
car radio.
1.3. Adjust the same frequency on the device with the |<< or >>| key and
confirm it with the „CH“ button.
1.4. Plug in the memory media (SD card or USB flash drive) and the playback
starts automatically.
Please take a look for the correct card position plug it into the device
with the contact area on top.
(Normally the device only reads SD cards up to 4GB, but we also tested it
successfully with SDHC cards up to 32GB.)
Important is the FAT32 formating and that the files are „normal“ MP3 files
(no .wma files or files coded with DRM).
2. When connected, the tranmitter music playback starts automatically and the
frequency is shown on the display. After approx. 30 seconds the display turns off
automatically. By pushing any key, the display recovers. By pushing (PAUSE)
the LEDs are flashing.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technaxx FMT100

Technaxx FMT100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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