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Blood Pressure Monitor B06T
User Manual
Measuring instrument for precise blood pressure and pulse rate
measurement on the upper arm
This device complies with the requirements of the standards referred to the Directive R&TTE
1999/5/EC. The Declaration of Conformity you find here: www.technaxx.de/ (in bar at the bottom
“Konformitätserklärung”). Before using the device the first time, read the user manual carefully.
This device has a rechargeable battery. It must be fully charged before first use.
NOTE: Charge the battery of the device every 2–3 month if it is not used!
Service phone No. for technical support: 01805 012643 (14 cent/minute from German fixed-line and
42 cent/minute from mobile networks). Free Email: support@technaxx.de
Enables very fast and reliable measurement of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as
well as pulse rate through the oscillometric method Voice broadcast function Bluetooth
connection (V4.0 & 3.0) with Smartphone Operating through iOS or Android APP
Unlimited number of users 1-key operation on device Storage of the last 99
measurements (at the end of a measurement the device automatically stores each result
with date and time) LED charging & Bluetooth indicator Blood pressure result indicator
Ø value function of the last 15 measurements IP21 protection class (against solid
debris/material Ø 12.5mm & against vertically falling water drops) Cuff and main unit are
integrated as one part Built-in rechargeable lithium ion 800mAh battery 3.7V For use at
home or in ambulances Clinically proven accuracy and user friendly design
Important Hints and Warnings – Read carefully !
Contact your doctor for further questions on the subject of blood pressure and its
measurement. In cases of irregular heartbeat, measurements made with this instrument
should only be evaluated after consultation with your doctor. Self-measurement means
control, not diagnosis or treatment, but only a healthcare professional is qualified to
interpret blood pressure measurements. Unusual values must always be discussed with
your doctor. Under no circumstances should you alter the dosages of any drugs prescribed
by your doctor. Familiarize yourself with the section titled "Important Information on Blood
Pressure and its Measurement". It contains important information on the dynamics of blood
pressure readings and will help you to obtain the best results.
Note: Arm circumference should be measured with a measuring tape in the middle of the
relaxed upper arm. Do not force cuff connection into the open wound.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technaxx B06

Technaxx B06 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

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